
Yeah I wouldn’t pay that much for a VR headset. Maybe in the future when they are worth it, but not now.

Listen I like nitpicking science goofs as much as anyone else, but it beggars belief that the communication time delay was an actual goof given they mention that very thing later in the *same* episode. Mostly likely the scene was supposed to be occurring at the beginning of the mission when they were still close to

I’m assuming there was a fairly big time jump during the mission, specifically before the last time they showed the countdown, and during that time they went from a negligible delay to the five-minute delay.

One saving grace of Halo TV is that, no matter how weird it gets, I’m now on-board with the characters and invested in whatever goes down with them. For the first time in my exposure to this universe I actually cared that a Spartan was in danger. And then I felt it about 12 times in the same episode.

it’s all monopoly money. this crypto currency is theoretically worth 600 million but there aren’t enough people in the world with that much money that are stupid enough to buy it. you can be a crypto millionaire on paper but you aren’t actually a millionaire until you manage to cash out and turn that crypto into USD

People do things because they love doing them, not because of the chance to make money.

This is rapidly becoming one of the most useful tweets of all time, and I hate that.

*Sploosh Mountain

i have no idea how things work in “hollyweird” but in theatre, when something gets pushed off the “now” pile into the “next year/season” pile, it’s dead.  it’s the equivalent of mom’s “we’ll see.”

we take the encouragement as well as the concerns to heart,”

I like to think that this is the cartoon that came out based on the Lightyear movie, and the toys were based on this cartoon’s style, like what happened with Ghostbusters and a bunch of other things.

It’s super hard for me to trust Google when I’m buying digital content now, given how I lost all the albums I “bought” on Play Music, now inaccessible to me...

“The point of NFTs is decentralization on public distributed ledger technologies”

The fact that they weren’t means that either:

It’s kinda hilarious, honestly, but at least easy to understand.

there’s no wrong way to serve and eat this versatile condiment

It must be night to be able to still use Schreier to do all the hard work without actually paying him.

Heard AMD’s arent having much of a problem with stuttering as Nvidia cards are.

Ethereum’s proof-of-stake is six months away.