I fully expect that the Unity Hub will auto-update everyone’s installs to the latest LTS when it releases, and they’re going to make finding the installers for the older versions extremely difficult.
I fully expect that the Unity Hub will auto-update everyone’s installs to the latest LTS when it releases, and they’re going to make finding the installers for the older versions extremely difficult.
There is literally no chance of that. Microsoft, in entering a Game Pass distribution agreement with a developer who uses Unity, does not become a signatory of that developer’s Unity license, and thus will not be under any obligation to pay any fees to Unity.
I don’t even expect them to try to collect from Microsoft, or any other storefront. It’s clearly a damage control line that they don’t seem to think anyone will actually apply even the most basic legal scrutiny to. I’m sure somebody in Unity’s legal department has drafted and deleted like ten different e-mails to…
“developers like Aggro Crab would not be on the hook, as the fees are charged to distributors, which in the Game Pass example would be Microsoft.”
They’re not talking about ‘broadcast’ streaming (i.e. Twitch), they’re talking about cloud gaming streaming, like Game Pass Ultimate, PS Now and Amazon Luna.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. I’m not blaming AoM’s failure on it being set in the same universe/multiverse SR.
The show is basically not an adaptation of the books. Every criticism that has been leveled at the faithfulness of Netflix’s adaptation of The Witcher applies a thousand fold to Wheel of Time.
The rights for Freespace have always been a little funky. Interplay owns the Freespace trademark, but the copyright on the games themselves is (as of 2013) co-owned by Volition and Interplay. This is why Volition was able to legally open source the Freespace 2 source code.
Agents of Mayhem wasn’t a new IP. It was a spinoff of Saints Row with many of the same characters and the same tongue in cheek open world gameplay. Volition was clearly operating under a publisher mandate to stick to Saints Row, and that sapped a lot of the creative juice out of the studio.
It’s more likely that they figured that any other publisher wouldn’t be interested in buying Volition without also acquiring the IPs that Volition is known for, and since Embracer is more about IP ownership than they are about studios they’d be unwilling to part with those IPs.
I think the Sci-Fi Channel had the right idea by combining Dune: Messiah and Children of Dune into a single mini-series. Dune: Messiah doesn’t fully close Paul’s story, and the ending of Children of Dune very much paints the story of the Atreides as a tragedy.
Friendly reminder that it isn’t “The Strike” that is killing shows, it is the corporate suits who refuse to negotiate in good faith with the unions who are killing shows.
The ergonomics on the right controller look terrible. They’ve got the lower offset analog stick, and then a touch pad below that, and the grip buttons on that side are also super weird.
Steam Remote Play actually doesn’t require you to be on the same LAN as your gaming PC, and it’s been that way since around 2017. I’ve successfully streamed games to a tablet while in Santa Barbara with my home PC in Los Angeles and it’s been fine.
It’s super weird to me that Jeff Sneider is spreading casting rumours in the middle of the SAG strike. Nobody has been cast for Fantastic Four, because they’re all on strike. Marvel may want these people for these roles, but until a contract can be signed, they haven’t been cast.
Banner’s ‘I can’t have kids’ is arguably more because he’s aware that a Hulk kid would be extremely dangerous so he can’t be allowed to have kids than just that he’s been sterilized by the gamma radiation. But for the two years on Sakaar when Hulk was in control, Hulk dgaf.
ChatGPT is essentially autocomplete that has been trained on massive amounts of written documents, so “no” to all of the above questions.
I’ll also add that the reason non-AMPTP produced SAG and WGA contracted productions are also halted is because the AMPTP is such a large percentage of production that those contracts form the basis for the independent production contracts (for example: the sample of SAG’s Low Budget Agreement puts the daily rate at “65…
The strikes are against the AMPTP and productions with SAG and/or WGA contracts. Critical Role the company isn’t a member of AMPTP, and the actual play show isn’t produced under SAG contract because the primary cast are all co-owners and equity partners of the company (and not under WGA contract because it’s not,…
Critical Role is an interesting case. While the primary cast are all co-owners of the company and presumably just drawing a share of the profits instead of taking a paycheck under a SAG contract, they’ve had a lot of guests who are SAG, and I wonder what contract (if any) those guests have been paid under?