Vasilis Glezakos

Boy oh boy am I in love with this game. I beat it this weekend and am seriously in withdrawal. Trying to ease the pain with Zelda but it’s not working. Bokoblins just don’t cut the mustard after fighting a couple of Thunderjaws at once. Or a tag team of corrupted Rockcrushers. Eff those things.

Not one thing has killed me in Horizon! I am the master of video games!

i’d like to meet some bros to play this with. i can only tolerate overwatch with friends anymore, i hate playing competitive overwatch with rando’s, even when they don’t suck they are either quiet or toxic 90% of the time. and imagine this is a similar boat in terms of feeling out a team. i got free copies for ps4 and

Hey guys! I found the trilby-wearing neckbeard stereotype! Over here! First comment in an article about women and video games. I know! I’m totally surprised to see it too.

Read the twitlonger. Didn’t realize if you move in with someone that gives you free reign to do whatever you want to them, since they agreed to be your roommate, not romantic partner.

You ignored the part where he tried to rape a child. You saw the article and thought, “how can I defend this wannabe child rapist?”

I miss samurai pizza cats so much. The show. Had no idea, like the article said, that it was an NES game too.

Engineering, noun; the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

They have already announced a very good counter for him. Orisa’s secondary acts to pull enemies out of position, she is a tank and has a long range primary. That sounds like a Bastion fighter to me.

So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.

I do not not know where you hail from or what decade you were born in. I also don not know if you’ve ever had the physical dexterity to attempt the art of breakdancing. Based on your reaction to my comment I’m guessing that you are the type of individual who hated anything they couldn’t do themselves then calls it a

Now playing

Redbull Championships says your are a lying fricking lair and Breakdancing has ALWAYS been cool!

Breakdancing will always be cool. I’m glad you and others like yourself think that it isn’t currently. Now that the novelty of suburban kids stealing their parents linoleum to dance like those poor inner city kids is over, We can go back to doing our own cool shit minus the appropriation.

Breakdancing was never, ever not cool!

I know, fucked up. He should go to jail for that.

Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.