Gonzo, is that you?
Gonzo, is that you?
Considering the title I think it’s a safe bet to call this a “spin-off” that might be priced at $40 and have a little shorter run time and presumably a year or two-ish after we’ll get a full Spider-man sequel with both characters as leads.
Now that the Speed Force died, Vibe took the cure, & Killer Frost is on medical leave, Elongated Man is Central City’s most powerful superhero.
This whole country started with a riot.
You mean a Noble?
You think that’s weird, Harrison Ford has been arrested six times for stealing antiquities from ancient tombs.
So Lori Loughlin helps a guy who doesn’t want to take the SATs get his "skills up to professional level in an impressively short period of time"? It's all starting to make sense.
That was the way with ‘Ant-Man’. People who were angry about Wright leaving kept highlighting scenes that they said had to be his, and invariably turned out to be Reed’s.
The crew always knew about their captian.
Honestly, if we manage to make it another 26 years at this rate it’d be victory enough.
I find myself leaning more towards this. What happened in Lethbridge fucking sucks and we should take every step to make things right with the victim, but it’s not as simple as “idiot cop beats up cosplayer.” Yes, we have issues with police brutality just like our neighbors to the south, but it’s absolutely not a…
Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.
In this asshole’s defense, I am not sure the hood made him look more racist.
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and…
Sadly, they’ll bounce back stronger than ever.
Spoiler: In the end they set aside their differences and join forces to exclude transwomen from the movement.