Jester David

Well, having watched the video, the answer is also “torque.” Because the center of gravity of the sword is offset, there’s a strong rotational force that pulls it down, as if it weighed significantly more than it actually weighs. It’s the opposite of using a lever to lift a heavy object.

Look forward to people calling for a #SnyderSequel now. And fan cuts that merge the two films. And endless YouTube videos dissecting the differences.

“Did I like everything he said? Did I agree with what he said? No,” Osbourne said on The Talk. “Because it’s his opinion. It’s not my opinion… I support him for his freedom of speech, and he’s my friend.

Yes, but why?
Because said sword is only 40 lbs. I can lift a 45 lbs weight pretty easily and bench press three times that. So why is a sword that weighs the same impractical?

The question of what teenage behavior one should be accountable for as adult and how is fine to debate

Because he wanted to make a video about making the sword and why it’s an impractical design?

I’m on a tight budget. I get Prime as a bonus because I want the free shipping and Disney+ because it’s a must with a 10 yo. Netflix is just one too many to justify when I can already barely justify what I have. (I had it for a while but cancelled to save the $15 after a COVID layoff.)

Netflix per month: $14 USD for HD
Nord VPN per month: $12 USD (or $5 if you buy a full year)
Private Internet Access VPN per month: $10 USD

Back in the day, I developed such a crush on Christina Ricci because of this film. It probably influenced my taste in women more than anything else...

It was a great detail I never noticed until rewatching...

Yes. But you’re getting caught on the technicalities and missing the point.

I wish I saw this article last week before I logged into every single website I visit so BitWarden could learn each password...

While only viewing women (or even just a woman) exclusively related to sexual gratification is problematic, people are allowed to find other people attractive and engage sexual fantasies. That’s healthy and normal.
Sexual release shouldn’t be exclusively locked into intercourse with another individual. Single people

If you use it, and use it hatefully, I don’t even care if you didn’t know what it meant (and I doubt that’s true). You knew it was an insult, and urban dictionary exists on the incredibly thin chance you learned the word without its meaning.

Literally, when you look up the definition of wog, the first result that comes back is “Slur, offensive, refers to non-white British people”

Nah, this is a 30 year old man, and his go-to when angry was an ethnic slur. He knew what he was doing.

I can’t imagine a single instance where he’d hear the word and not realize what it meant and that it is a slur from the context.

I’m trying to stop using “jipped” myself.

Leonard has now issued an apology, saying he is “deeply sorry for using an anti-Semitic slur” and somehow claiming that “I didn’t know what the word meant at the time”.

Finally the realistic, gritty hard-R version of the Powerpuff Girls everyone has been asking for... :/