Jester David

Pratt does seem like a really good guy. One of those Christians who accepts the actual teachings of Jesus and the focus on not being a dick to people rather than condemning people. And there’s the fact he stole the Starlord costume explicitly so he could visit children in the hospital in character.

So... he’s like the one-in-three potential American voters who can vote but doesn’t?

Scotty in Relics was only 60 years out of his time.
That’s a mechanic from 1960 trying to fix a car a modern gas car: they might not understand everything and be confused by a lot, but some of the basic components work the same and your basic skills and know-how will suffice.
But even then, a battalion from the 1960s

A tour through Trek’s timelines and multiple eras would be awesome. And expensive because of all the set and costume changes.

It’s actually easier with time travel than other tech, since you can put the genie back in the bottle by going back and mucking with past experiments.

This was pretty much the only route they could have gone once they decided to go into the future, far or otherwise.

Mariner grated on me most of the first season. Especially as she was such of a perfect Mary Sue who always had the solution and knew everything, and her own flaw (she was demoted) was a big plus in her eyes. And even when the captain crossed a line to discipline her, it was the captain who ended up apologizing.

All the old content is still there.

They’ve actually done some genetic testing on Ancient Egyptian remains, in the same way they do modern ancestry testing, and found that Ancient Egyptians (a thousand years prior to Cleopatra) were more Middle Eastern than modern Egyptians. But probably still not traditionally “black” as many Americans view Africans.

The Gal Gadot “contereversy” feels like generic social media outrage. This like complaining about someone from Pittsburg playing someone from Philidelphia. Isreal is a country right beside Egypt. They literally share a border. Isreali look an awful lot like Egyptians.

Jensen Ackles is staggeringly ageless, while Jared Padalecki looks to be aging for two. He really needs to look at the fine print of whatever contract they signed...

Does India allow opposite sex kisses on their TV? Even in imported shows?

I’d actually recommend rewatching the first Karate Kid, which is surprisingly less about karate and masculinity and more the class divisions in LA and Mr. Miyagi’s tragic past, which is probably more relevant now than it was in the ‘80s.

London is more diverse. Significantly. England is slightly more diverse. Britain as a whole... not really. It’s whiter than the USA. 

There’s undeniably a racist link between the actions of many police, both intentional and also systematic.
But it’s probably also not the sole reason.
Poverty likely plays a large part as well. Which ties into race in a correlation-n0t-causality way, as African-Americans are disproportionately below the poverty line.

The difference is, of course, Nigeria is almost 100% black. (Although they have 250 ethnic groups with 8 or so primary groups, but they’d all be “black” to North Americans.)

That’s pretty awesome. Good on Nigeria.

It feels a little like a pro-gun activist pointing out a mass shooting elsewhere in the world. “See, Canada has mass shootings too! 22 dead! See, it’s not just us!!”

That’s nice. But just the picture without the context really fails to highlight the differences between American police and Finish police.

That wasn’t a long-prepared statement. A written, edited, and planned piece of writing. That was an off-the-cuff quick comment.
I wrote that China would be the sole superpower, paused for a half a second, and went back and added India. But made the mistake of typing “and India” instead of “or India.”