
Dave Navarro - you are my Highlights soul mate, but I'll fight to the death to find all the missing pictures first

@icyblonde: Now I just feel foolish. Do you think her hair was surgically sewn in like Barbie's? She doesn't even have roots!

I want to know how Heidi gets her bleached blonde hair to appear so healthy and shiny.

@PixiePie: You're lucky that you are that regular. I've gone anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months between cycles.

@AfroJezeBella: No. Rhythm is about trying to figure out when you ovulate and making sure you use another form or birth control or not engage in sex during that time.

@gumbydammit: I was just about to post this. I love Loftus. My favorite example is when she demonstrated that just changing "hit" to "smashed" in asking about a car accident creates all sorts of false memories.

@geekygirlie: There's no denying that, but they way the commercials and last episode went, I was hoping for some table throwing at a minimum. ::Sigh:: why do I have such a high expectation for Jersey? Experience should tell me better.

@PIKITIS!!: I just posted that I was disappointed. All that build up of Danny for nothing. Danielle is batshit crazy. She's in touch with reality? Damn, give me what ever it is she's taking.

I'm confused. There's 4 minutes left. I wasted an hour for nothing on RHoNJ. C'mon, Danielle. Throw a punch or something! You're craziness though, I have to say, is a different kind of special.

Fun note - I wiki'ed "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" as I'm unfamiliar with the term and this came up:

@Scout: Phenomenal. The good and bad of California succintly wrapped up in an amazing video.

pmerrick posted down theard excitement about the new Gaga video coming out tomorrow, Alejandro. So let's get creative Jezzies - what do you think it will be?

@Tea and Oranges: You want to know their theoretical orientation. It will give you a sense of how they'll approach you. This is a question you should ask when you call-up, that way you can research. Also, seeing how they treat you on the phone is a good indicator of how they'll treat you in therapy.

@pmerrick: What's the opposite of Lady Gaga having unrequited love for a gay man?

@justalittlebit: I'm not done for the quarter either. I'm in a joint program and my summer classes for one school overlap with finals for two weeks. No summer for mandiandi.

@spamanda: On a positive, you still have one of the best names on Jezebel.