
what is it about the cute animal game made for babies that triggers such anger among adult nerds

This was basically my question -- what is the ecological impact of this event, beyond carbon emissions? 

Agents of Shield fans?

I mean flying somewhere to cover an E-racing event in a place that is seeing massive melting events seems a bit fucked up, no?

There is no one in the world that craves validation more than Honda Ridgeline owners.

Wow, a review from Jalopnik where the reviewer doesnt seemingly reflexively hate the vehicle and wish they were driving a 1965 Lada or some other pos taken from a trash fire. How refreshing.

If you’re talking about mRNA, the technology is not that new (it’s been developed over decades and made into vaccines prior to COVID), and if people are nervous about mRNA then they can go with one of the more traditional vaccines.

I was gonna say- just jump out! Just like when my mom used to drop me off a mile from school so she could avoid the drop-off line traffic.

I’m only 6' and I barely fit. I feel sorry for anyone taller. I’d almost rather STAND with something to lean against for a flight of a couple hours length than sit in an airplane seat!


Well cool, thanks for squashing the image Kinja.

Make the push for unionization. Push for collective bargaining agreements. If you want to be treated like you’re actually important and not just another easily-replaced drone, cut the shit and do the thing. 

If your business has staffing shortages, it is your fault. No one else. If you don’t have enough people who want to work for you, it’s because you don’t pay enough. Supply and demand applies to the labor market as well.

Damn, based on that picture I expected something like “He’s stepping down to spend more time on his hobbies, collecting swords and hitting on high schoolers in the local bowling alley parking lot."

American Capital-L Libertarian: Baby’s First Ideology

Honestly, the biggest argument in favor of unionization, for every industry, is how freaked out corporations get when even hints of forming a union come up. If it’s bad for them, it’s bound to be good for you.

I followed the directions to the letter and ended up meeting my dad.

Corporations don’t work. I was a part of corporation XYZ and all they cared about was the money. They did nothing for the employees.

To all the purity police and apathetic douches who passed on voting in 2014 and 2016 this is on you.