Size matters my friend, I needed a foot long so I could bend it between two cups of salt water.
Size matters my friend, I needed a foot long so I could bend it between two cups of salt water.
Straight up, I had to use foot long hotdogs to make it work. Only place I could find “raw” footlongs was Sonic. I assured the manager I was only interested in using them for science and he let my buy a pack. Do with that information what you will.
Oh man, you just ramped up my excitement. I've had a Fringe itch for six months or so. Enjoy Control though, I'd love to be able to play it for the first time again and I'm super damn excited for the DLC.
Holy shit. I tried to make a homemade one of these for a science fair project in sixth grade. It never worked, not because my construction was unsound, but because the wiring in the school was old as hell and it'd trip a breaker every time I turned it on. Good times.
I just finished Control and am hyped to play this.
Hello, if you like exploration and non-traditional narrative structures please play Outer Wilds. It is an absolutely stunning game with beautiful scenery and emotion. It makes you work for the story and those moments but they are well worth it.
Seriously. Hey assholes, you have the freedom to not support this shit. Choosing to not support it does not infringe on anyone’s freedom of thought or expression.
“I get it”
I mean, you're not totally wrong, but pretty sure you guys do a fine job of treating your indigenous population like utter shit completely on your own.
Interesting take in light of Bernie’s feelings on whether a woman can win the general election.
“Warren subsequently backed CNN’s account, saying of her conversation with Sanders: “I thought a woman could win; he disagreed,””
Cybertruck: Exists
Bro if you own a Tesla without a vanity plate that rivals the d-bag level of any coal roller are you even really singlehandedly saving the planet?
I just bought an XBox off my buddy for sixty bucks and I haven't stopped playing it since I got it, cheap XBox plus Game Pass is the best deal in gaming right now if the service offers games you want to play.
Loving these auto-play videos with ads that can’t be muted.
Out of curiosity, what aspects were overlooked? Up until the One X came out it was the least powerful console out of the two and had the least amount of exclusives. What other factors were people overlooking?
“They’re even considering releasing Anthem Next as a brand new game”
Nah man, what are you talking about? I love not being able to buy clothes or shoes in stores that come close to fitting me!
Yeah, I mean the thing is up until recently the hate was deserved. Turns out when you give people good games, and easy ways to play games they may have missed, people respond to that. Game Pass continues to be one of the best deals in gaming period, just from what they’ve announced there are more games I want to play…
Not sure how far you got but I ended up putting the game down for about a month or so after the main story wrapped. It wrung me out and I just needed a break, I’m really happy I finished it and it was well worth my time but man, I get it.