This is me, at this point my backlog is so big that I kind of try my best to ignore the sales unless there is something I have had my eye on for months that goes below a set price, and my catalogue is a fraction of what this person’s is.
This is me, at this point my backlog is so big that I kind of try my best to ignore the sales unless there is something I have had my eye on for months that goes below a set price, and my catalogue is a fraction of what this person’s is.
Yeah, I clicked on the article and was kind of shocked that the author called out the campaign for being bad. I found it quite enjoyable if a bit short, yeah the characters weren’t stellar and I guess they wasted GoT guy even though I couldn’t really care less about him. Overall though I found it pew pew space space…
Yeah same. He took a selfie with the lady and I when he was in Austin :heart eyes:
Yeah, I seriously enjoyed this episode. Tyler and Burnham seem to have some good chemistry, and the episode was just a joy to watch. Also I love the episode titles.
God Emperor sleeps on a pile of nukes so as to not lose track of the last ones :/
This is awkward, not sure where you have been, or how you lost that time, but it is 2020. Most of the planet is a nuclear wasteland and God Emperor Trump rules the world from a moonbase built by Elon Musk. Sorry buddy, you will have some adjustments to make.
Boom there ya go. I mean at this point if you have part of a loot box system in place you have basically 90% of the game already.
With loot boxes no less!! Lots of loot boxes.
Oh I lost my shit. He brought it with him on a visit and I thought he was just showing me and then he was like “nah you can have it.” :heart eyes:
:golf clap:
Only someone with a tiny penis makes that claim, some of us know otherwise.
Let me guess, people pointing out racism are ACTUALLY the REAL racist, right?
They make (or have made for them) some amazing statues and such. I had a friend that worked at Bliz as a WoW DM and every year they give all of their employees a Christmas present. Well this was around when Starcraft 2 hit and my friend didn’t really care anything about it so he gave me the gift, this amazing bust of…
That IS a good point, and I think it is completely valid. My SO is a worrier, and like I said, if she asked me to send her my location I would without hesitation. Also, you guys have a system that works for you, and that is what matters. Not to mention that words like clingy are so effing loaded it is unreal, and…
You do you, I’m not going to judge someone else’s relationship and what works for them. Know this though.
Gonna play some Witcher 3 by myself and some PUBG with a buddy. Eagerly awaiting Destiny 2.
I love how the current president and his administration loves playing childish semantics games. It is so fun.
If you don’t like them you can easily ignore them, I couldn’t care less about achievements or trophies and I haven’t paid attention to them since they were introduced years ago. Why do you care so much about how other people have fun and enjoy their games that you would rather the system not have a feature that other…
I am still baffled as to how this game turned out as amazing as it did. I am happy it did though, lord am I happy it did.
Not my cup of tea in the least but holy moly that is impressive. Well done.