The app and website are truly atrocious but Bajillion Dollar Properties is fucking fantastic. I just wish the damn app wasn’t such a mess.
The app and website are truly atrocious but Bajillion Dollar Properties is fucking fantastic. I just wish the damn app wasn’t such a mess.
Nintendo fans expect nothing but glowing praise. The fact that this person thinks a simple question like “will VC purchases transfer to the new system” deserves its own announcement event is pretty ridiculous. This is a BASIC question, basic.
Because Nintendo. The gymnastics I’m watching people (including some in game media) do to justify some of the baffling and anti-consumer decisions Nintendo has made regarding the Switch is truly a sight to behold. It’s actually pretty fun.
The Trumpster excuse is that Drumpf was a civilian at the time and Lewis is an elected official. It’s a dumb fuck excuse.
Train robbed of opportunity to rid humanity of Mustang menace, Mustang continues mission to wipe humans from Earth.
This is something the MSM won’t be telling you but the protests were mainly put in by cats.
Wtf who said anything about anyone being behind bars, it was a takedown notice not a warrant.
Man guys let’s cut her some slack, she’s just so filled with economic anxiety that she had to go out and commit a hate crime.
But it’s a completely pointless suggestion considering they don’t even know if it’s valid. They’ve never bothered to watch the channel but they’re sure willing to make excuses for why people stopped watching.
Avril body double loves Nickelback and literally no one is surprised.
You’ve never watched the stream but you’re willing to speculate that all she does it talk about her transition now? Why bother making a comment like that if you’ve never watched the stream?
And see I feel like a glorified Shield Tablet with miniscule controllers is absolutely a gimmick, but I get it it’s a new Nintendo “console” so we all have to lose our minds. Get back to me in a year when the new Nintendo console honeymoon period has ended.
People will come up with endless excuses for a bad game they desperately want to be good. “You’re just bad at the game/you’re doing it wrong” is a classic.
Christ, this right here. This is beyond lazy in every way.
Publishers generate license keys
They will just smugly talk about how Bernie would have had no issue defeating Trump then go masturbate to the number if likes they got on Facebook when they posted that they’re with “the other her.”
I just want a Tesla conversation kit