“It’s not a weapon.” Said every movie scientist who never intended their invention to be used for evil...
“It’s not a weapon.” Said every movie scientist who never intended their invention to be used for evil...
Right, the one that talks about diversity and tolerance but has none.
Way too much thought went into this article. The guy was a ‘roid fueled freak, and freaks always garner attention. His death before 50 is possible the least surprising thing I can think of.
Most of the meat I eat is hunted. Good to know hunting is OK now.
With Aquaman, you’d think long hair would be impractical for an underwater dweller. But short hair isn’t dark and gritty I guess.
Because the crooks don’t follow gun laws but law abiding citizens do. Kind of a “by definition” thing.
So, the new California is now in favor of the 2nd Amendment? And the “United States National Guard” is something new too, right?
The red in the flag is for Communism, correct? Or is that fake?
What? No “and all the records were for dead people” jokes? It’s the Chicago way.
And the Civil Rights Act.
It’s an impressive feat to blanket anyone that has an opposing view as “the wrong side of history”. Sure make life easy to never have to critically think about your views.
GORUCK GR1 is legit.
GORUCK GR1 is legit.
So, the experts are not certain if the NORKs could hit Guam if they wanted to- fine. But if they decide to target maybe 20 miles away? No problem, they got this?
Of course it was cancelled - what good is a town hall? Everybody knows what the company line is and if you step out of it - you’re gone.
I prefer the phrase “let me be candid” as it implies a level of intimacy not normally present.
How is this “exclusive”? I watched this episode on Netflix the other day. Season 3 is fantastic BTW.
It’s almost as if they really aren’t interested in actual diversity, just in love with the IDEA of diversity.
I would argue that it is the NORK’s that moved the clock. Why is it that the second guy who throws a punch always gets the flag?
That’s just the excuse you tell yourself to explain your financial limitations and avoid personally responsibility.