Sean Mac

Friendly neighbourhood psychology researcher here. While marijuana might not be physically addictive, in the same way that, say, opiates are, people definitely can be addicted in the more psychological/physiological sense. There are two 'addiction' classification in the DSM: substance abuse and substance dependence.

How is it co-opting if they used the word first?

I was a club kid in the late 80's/ early 90's, and went to lots of the same parties as RuPaul, LaHoma Van Zandt, Lady Bunny, Larry Tee, Michael Alig (yes, THAT one), and no one ever used "tranny" or "she-male" as a slur/hate speech... I think it is a generational thing. I remember where there were silly contests (like

Carmen is such a hypocrite. She used to use the t-word in her social media and and then started going back and deleting her old tweets, etc. after this all started to blow up.

I think it's kind of a bigger decision to forgo genetic children in favor of adoption, than to forgo buying a dog bred for purchase and instead get a rescue. there is just absolutely NO REASON to buy a dog (and encourage breeders to bring more dogs into the world), whereas having your own offspring is a real human