
American Negroes have the most to lose from the illegal alien invasion. They siphon off billions of welfare dollars what should be going to all Dey baby mamas and shit yo.

Or Obama’s racist whitey haters Jeremiah Wright and Farrakhan but that’s ok because they be black and sh*t

It’s okay for these racists to disparage our President, but these same racists would have chimped out if anyone Calle Obongo a left wing piece of garbage when he was defiant the White House. MAGA

Wow there’s a lot of self-loathing white guys posting here. The Far left brainwashing must be working.

Illegal means illegal. I’m for keeping families together. Rescind the insane anchor baby policy and deport them all. We have poor Americans we should be taking care of with our tax dollars instead of economic migrants and “refugees”. MAGA

Illegal means illegal. Case closed.

Lee Fang is a hack

You liberals are such whiners, she lost, took bribes to clear the treasonous uranium deal, and will be going to prison. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

Look at me, I’m playing the worlds smallest violin. Boo hoo

Affirmative Action beneficiary

Maybe the Democraps lost so many seats because their tired re-hashed crap of professional victimization and hate evil whitey identity politics doesn’t fly anymore?

Obama sucks

Because they vote Democrap