
Yes it's Rudy

I'd like to dispel the notion that the showrunners don't know what they are doing. I think they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

Well the third reason has been getting planted in nearly every episode that makes that first one make sense. Jimmy doesn't like playing by the rules. In fact he gets a rush off of not playing by them.

There were two things. One was the showing of the previous ad where it was described how much micromanagement went into stupid details in a benign commercial. Jimmy didn't want to go through that as it would be annoying and affect his control/artistic integrity. Two was Kim mentioned she was surprised that they

Yeah this bothered me in this episode and the previous one. They have nothing to go on and it is bizarre they are even investigating him at all. They should have at least thrown in something about pills flooding the area or ones missing from his job. And the way they kept pressing for details about the tapes just

Witchita is a way better show. It might be campy, but if you embrace what it is, it's much better than The Witch imho.

Black Caucus PAC, which is filled with lobbyists for special interests. But it's not like all of Washington isn't lining up behind Clinton.

Like from a trip to Thailand or something that has a full episode dedication to it later on?

"I'm…addicted to nicotine" and Virgil's reaction to little Patti saying Kevin was going to throw her in the well. Something like, well then you better bring your swim trunks. The contrast between her dark statement and Virgil's joke made me laugh for a solid minute. Riveting episode in an incredible second season.

Thank you for mentioning the Sisyphus moment. I think that might have been my favorite moment. Ed's reading of the story as an inspirational one despite it's normal connotation is such a great character moment for him. And pretty subtle. Perfect.

Winners. All of you guys. Thanks.

I was ridiculously hungry when they were showing those scenes and couldn't eat right then. Cruel.

Am I the only one that thought "Tower Joe" was some kind of reference to The Wire? It was only when I read it again here where I realized that I had combined Prop Joe with the infamous "towers" that they sling at.

Carol, from Last Man on Earth ate the cricket.

Birdman rather

And True Detective Season 2


You make it sound like any of their movies follow any sense of logic. They would google how to do it of course, probably screw it up at first and then get it, or their nerdy brother helps them.

This isn't an Adam Sandler movie? Well….it will be soon enough. Picture it. Adam Sandler, an everyday random schlub and his friend Kevin James are screwing around on the internet, when all of the sudden they buy randomly.