
Yeah. Hopefully that is the case. This is not just a reaction to their comment though, but from what I have been seeing on this site. The biggest one is about somebody's parentage on the show and was very clearly stated as fact by some posters this season. Likewise with that, there have been hints, but none I had

Theorizing about something is very different from a definitive, "don't worry, it won't be Stannis, it will be his wife." Sure there are some signs pointing towards his wife, but Stannis has also been willing to do whatever it took. Removing the possibility of Stannis doing it or nobody doing it, kills and spoils the

Spoiler? This is like the third time this is mentioned. You guys are the worst.


Such awesome dread with the kid and the gun. Felt like I was watching Breaking Bad. Very glad there are still 3 episodes left.

I am the middle of that particular Venn Diagram bitches. I could understand what the scientist was saying, but only part of Charlie's dialogue was intelligible. He kept saying Shenme 什么which means what, so it seemed like he had at least learned a little. Other than that it kind of sounded like a lot of movies/tv

Thanks Kayla!