
Honestly it’s a really complex issue. The shortest answer is that people feel like the speech we have, is not good enough to make people who don’t identify with the two genders feel good about themselves, even through we have had these labels for thousands of years.

Combine that with garbage coming out of universities,

I agree spend the time and money on the card quality issues

I switched over to MHW and deleted D2. I got so fed up with the lack of endgame, communication and Bungie just repeating all of their mistakes from D1 over again it just frustrated me. Sure it was fun for a while, raiding with friends, but once it’s cracks started to show things really started to break wide open. I

Please have him email me and tell me what the alloys are before I perish.

So... if you want actual concrete claims prior to vilifying someone you’re a rape apologist?

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.

So basically you’re saying, “Give up and pay the extortion money.”

I absolutely loved this game. I had to wait until a patch for a month though because of the unbearable load times when it launched though. I starting over and doing a playthrough immediately when I get home.

I have a PS4 and the menus are dated and clunky as shit.

I may be coming from the opposite side of this, as I mostly play on XB1, but I despise how the PS4 is setup with the crossbar. It’s just a giant long list of stuff that doesn’t let me get to what I want 90% of the time.

This lady is an asshole trying to malena viral video. The agents were polite, provided her with legal authority, and behaved professionally. Glad to know this blond white lady sees herself as a modern Rosa Parks, standing up for her sad brown friends.

She lost any claim to the title “Mother” after this, IMO

It is not hard at all to amass crazy amount of gil if you are a dedicated crafter and gatherer. It’s also not illegal (or immoral) to have alts, or to transfer gil to those alts. These players have done nothing even remotely unethical. People saying it’s “unfair” are just mad because they lack the time or patience to

Okay, I’ll respond because you are more reasonable than the crazy Chaos guy. I’m not saying that the world should be that way. I’m only explaining why there would have been that reaction. I’m not into stereotyping anyone. I just don’t want you to conflate an explanation with personal beliefs. In my experience, when I

Perhaps one of the problems with our liberties and freedoms is that they can’t easily be visualized. The fact that you are enjoying everything America has to offer and still can say “we don’t owe America shit” is just depressing.

My family made it over here by their own blood, sweat and tears and we don’t owe America shit.

Nice story! I’m glad you got that young mans Jeep back up and running. I was a little disappointed you didn’t get to meet DavidTracyisaWanker though.

I laugh long and hard at a company that thinks that small team created content, which can (doesn’t always) come out dozens of times a year and offer a great gaming experience at a MUCH lower price point than a AAA title would somehow be a dated thing compared to the massive investment and technical infancy that VR is.