
Thank you for a breath of reason, logic, and understanding. The world needs people like you who can think for themselves. I find what they did distasteful and a poor choice, but music tends to transcend race. Songs get sung along with. If it was offensive, that to me is more on the artist than the people enjoying the

God forbid she has an idea that doesn’t confirm to your thought process. We all can’t be drones like you. Glad to see such representation of open mindedness.....🙄

You feel like you can assume my Gender and Race? Thats offensive..... Or so I’ve been told.

I do think it is trivial, and I think it is people looking for something to bitch about to make themselves feel special and unique. If they can’t deal with something like this, how do they deal with life?

I would ask why anyone was upset with the way it was to begin with too. Was it really that big of an issue for people to concern themselves with? I want to say there are bigger problems in the world, but this never should have been an issue to begin with. The change doesn’t affect me one way or the other, but just

A big part of this are the updates Epic puts out on a regular basis. PUBG has been a pretty stagnate game since it came out on Xbox in regards to features, or map. They need to develop new maps, game modes, and items a heck of a lot quicker if they want to keep up.

I would say the difference here is Microsoft has helped develop PUBG for their console because the developer wasn’t familiar. Sony isn’t helping publish or produce for Android or Iphone.

You are confusing cross play and play anywhere. Xbox Play anywhere requires microsoft account because you are buying the game from them. Cross play, such as rocket league is with Nintendo and PC, don’t see how that requires some sort of Microsoft anything.

Front mandibles are not spaced correctly though for what you are suggesting. Maybe it’s just the lego set, but other sets have been much more careful about spacing and proportions.

That does not look worth $100 to me. While nice, it is small and not a great representation.

So they decided to change the basic design? Other ships in the class don’t look like the. The Corellian YT should have a split in the front for cargo....... More stupid decisions by Disney.

Thank you. Was thinking about how it could be poor taste, but the author is not using “racist” with it’s actual definition, just one that suites her needs. Could this be poor taste? Maybe, but not racist. People are too easily offended and to quick to label things as racist, even when they are not, and do not match

The Patriots are known cheaters.... so yeah, not that far of a stretch.

Maybe just make it so you earn a set amount of tokens per hour as long as you are actively playing and not in the tower? Problem Solved.

(Kotaku news editor Jason Schreier tells me he hears that Destiny 3 is indeed already in development, as expected.)

I agree about 6V6. My concerns are 1. Current Control is not really set up for 6v6 on the smaller maps. 2. without changing loadout setup, all loadouts and weapons are a bit to similar (we need more shotty, snipers, and Fusions back regularly, not just AR, Scout, and Rockets). 3. Game type selectable

Are you Amish? Maybe Mennonite since you have the internet?

Curious as to why none of the tweets or info that the person being accused put out there is used within the article. There are 2 sides to a story. And he seemed pretty forth coming with information from his point of view and accepting her view as well.

I think Kotaku had an article a couple of months ago about WHY roaches love PS4's and other consoles. Has something to do with heat and small dark space.

Always enjoy your articles Mike. Always even handed and never “fanboy”-ish. Keep up the great work!