Don’t know why but my first thought for “space Grinding” was an image of a Sir Mixalot video in space, and girls with big ole’ booties grinding up on guys while they sing/rap. So like most Sir Mix Alots videos.... but in Space.
Don’t know why but my first thought for “space Grinding” was an image of a Sir Mixalot video in space, and girls with big ole’ booties grinding up on guys while they sing/rap. So like most Sir Mix Alots videos.... but in Space.
I can’t really get behind the bland environments that seem cut and paste and the control. But I have friends that like Warframe so to each their own.
I thought I was told you do need Xbox Live Gold to be able to utilize any of the online features though. Can anyone confirm this?
..... Hmmm defensive much? I didn’t say that at all. And your response is pretty crude, sexist, and insulting. I was just curious. I would think that, yes If someone assaulted me or otherwise, that I would not trust them in a similar setting. I would either call them out until they left, or I would leave because I…
Ah Ok. If I was either of them I would be staying as far away from the other as I could, so just seemed weird to me. Thanks for the info!
So how did this woman (or Mesina) end end up at the same party/place 700 miles from campus/Los Angeles? Was he stalking her? Was she still hanging out with him after the 1st time? I’m very confused by how this happened.
This is GREAT!! Now it can kill the small ass watch battery in 20 minutes! Super excited guys!.............. Sorry for the dripping sarcasm.
Illuminati confirmed!
Do people still play this?
Bwahahaha Yes they do. Lots of people. I am one of them. I don’t know why but this game is so freaking addicting.
Curious if people think we will get actual expansions again this year after ROI or if it will be a huge content drought like last year, up until the Spring update?
And the spring update was OK. but I would have rather paid for more content.
I agree. Don't know why they are using prey title. It wasn't a smash hit. It was a cult classic. Theybcould have named the new one anything, using that title and going away from what the game was won't bring in old players.... And new ones? They don't give a fuck what it's called, much less prey.
Shouldn't need the wireless adapter since it has Bluetooth now right?
I was thinking of her testing his faithfulness meant she already cheated. That's my experience anyways. When they are afraid of getting caught they redirect the suspicion.
These games you mention being successful “that are successful because of a large female audience”, what games would you say those are, what population numbers do you have to show this, or press releases do you have from publishers that state the games were successful because of that? I have no issues with female…
Inclusion must be done without fundamentally changing the thing you are trying to include people in. Providing options that don’t fundamentally change a game are great (alt color schemes, alt controller schemes, etc). But by fundamentally changing something to include a subset of the population you have changed the…
I was thinking the same thing.
I think the article is important because it does make us think about the blessings we have, but it also seems to want to make Niantic, or GameFreak feel bad about not including accessibility options.
Walking around is a core component of the game. The game is literally centered around it.…
For me it isn’t replaying the game, its finishing it. I got into the game late, then moved on to other games, then xbox1. always wanted to go back. Now i’ll just transfer my save and start from there! Same with Dark Souls.
In the books I thought there was a point where he traveled back to winter fell, called out to his father and his father turned around. Am I making that up? Seemed like they sort of Illuded to some kind of manipulation of the past.
The hypocrasy of the people calling him out for putting “someone on blast on facebook” and then doing it themselves is sickening. The “I don’t agree with you so I’m going to bully you into submission “ culture is bad. It was in the 50s and 60s it is now.
And that is all they have completed since the announcement of the studio. This is probably why it takes so long for his games.... :)