
But most people don’t realize how speechwriting in Washington works and the people who they are writing for ARE presenting these things as their Ideas.
I think it’s important for most people who are unaware to start to understand how common this type of thing is in politics. I’m not commenting on wrong or right, or

Such a great show! It felt so 80's without being written as campy as it would have been in the 80's!

You are a mean, vile, bigoted person. Hope you stop grouping all people together with no room for looking at individuals. Know who else does that? Racists.. You'd probably get along real well in your small, little hate-filled world.

You are using conservative and racist as synonyms or words that can't be separated. I know several racist left leaning, dare I say liberals. There are hateful idiots on both sides of the Isle. One just has a bigger abundance.

I mean, if the Empire is an inclusive government, where all species, races, and genders have equal rights and representation..... well it becomes a little hard to hate them doesn’t it?

It’s like “oh they tax the shit out of people, but everyone is treated equally? So the Empire is run by a socialist dictator?” Their

I have no inclination to see this movie. Love Star Trek. on my 4th or 5th viewing of Voyager, if that tells you anything. I even like it!
But this Abrams/Kelvin Universe is horrible.

I was thinking of her testing his faithfulness meant she already cheated. That's my experience anyways. When they are afraid of getting caught they redirect the suspicion.

These games you mention being successful “that are successful because of a large female audience”, what games would you say those are, what population numbers do you have to show this, or press releases do you have from publishers that state the games were successful because of that? I have no issues with female

Inclusion must be done without fundamentally changing the thing you are trying to include people in. Providing options that don’t fundamentally change a game are great (alt color schemes, alt controller schemes, etc). But by fundamentally changing something to include a subset of the population you have changed the

I was thinking the same thing.
I think the article is important because it does make us think about the blessings we have, but it also seems to want to make Niantic, or GameFreak feel bad about not including accessibility options.

Walking around is a core component of the game. The game is literally centered around it.

Can’t you dual boot on a PC (or Mac) anyways? Don’t see a reason not to purchase the laptop that works best for each individual.

I feel like fanboy should have gone up in the reasons people buy Macs. I have nothing against this, but there are a lot of people who don’t understand Computers and that is the ONLY reason they get Mac’s, because they are lemmings. It obviously sounds like you know what you are looking for and why, there are just a

I was actually thinking since he “lost” his hulk powers that this is going to somehow repower him with the gamma radiation tipped arrow. Which actually brings about the future they were trying to prevent. This betrayal triggering his rage, and pent up anger that had no outlet over the past year.

I disagree. Mostly because most Trekkies I know are turned off by the new Universe and unexcited about Peggs Star Trek movie. The new TV show though? Excitement galore! We will wait and see. If this doesn’t bomb I’d be surprised and write it off to the 50th anniversary.

For me it isn’t replaying the game, its finishing it. I got into the game late, then moved on to other games, then xbox1. always wanted to go back. Now i’ll just transfer my save and start from there! Same with Dark Souls.

I feel like you also have to consider the fact this is going to be tied to CBS’s paid subscription/streaming service. If it’s in the NEW universe, I won’t pay for that. In the OLD? I would. And I feel like with Trek you want to really entice those loyal hardcore fans that will talk up an even mediocre show.

The other

Sorry that I don’t feel like race or sex define someone, or speak to how they got to where they are in life, their accomplishments or their failures. These things are not defined by race or sex. There is so much more to a person than those two things and to only point those out to make a point diminishes those people.

Questioning why “ (white, male)“ needed to be added to a science article? If you did an article on on nurses in the city of Chicago would you make sure to call out (women,POC)? It has nothing to do with the article and screams of SJW.

Now playing

Why do I feel like the person who wrote/directed this video is the same guy who did “It’s Friday” By Rebecca Black?

In the books I thought there was a point where he traveled back to winter fell, called out to his father and his father turned around. Am I making that up? Seemed like they sort of Illuded to some kind of manipulation of the past.