
I was thinking of her testing his faithfulness meant she already cheated. That's my experience anyways. When they are afraid of getting caught they redirect the suspicion.

These games you mention being successful “that are successful because of a large female audience”, what games would you say those are, what population numbers do you have to show this, or press releases do you have from publishers that state the games were successful because of that? I have no issues with female

Inclusion must be done without fundamentally changing the thing you are trying to include people in. Providing options that don’t fundamentally change a game are great (alt color schemes, alt controller schemes, etc). But by fundamentally changing something to include a subset of the population you have changed the

I was thinking the same thing.
I think the article is important because it does make us think about the blessings we have, but it also seems to want to make Niantic, or GameFreak feel bad about not including accessibility options.

Walking around is a core component of the game. The game is literally centered around it.

For me it isn’t replaying the game, its finishing it. I got into the game late, then moved on to other games, then xbox1. always wanted to go back. Now i’ll just transfer my save and start from there! Same with Dark Souls.

In the books I thought there was a point where he traveled back to winter fell, called out to his father and his father turned around. Am I making that up? Seemed like they sort of Illuded to some kind of manipulation of the past.

The hypocrasy of the people calling him out for putting “someone on blast on facebook” and then doing it themselves is sickening. The “I don’t agree with you so I’m going to bully you into submission “ culture is bad. It was in the 50s and 60s it is now.

And that is all they have completed since the announcement of the studio. This is probably why it takes so long for his games.... :)

Wasn’t there also something in the books (forgive me its been a while) that hints that Johns mother was not in-fact a common born, but was from noble lineage? Which would fit as well, obviously the “father” wasn’t discussed in that part.

I have a couple of these watches and like them for how basic they are and durable.

I have a couple of these watches and like them for how basic they are and durable.

Any comparisons to using the XB1 and the Xbox app? Obviously that only works while on the same network (hope Microsoft changes this).

I was thinking the same thing. They missed a golden opportunity to carve those controller ports out and install USB3.o or USB C ports.

As everyone else has covered the important parts to be discussed already..... Can I ask 1 simple question?

Haven’t even used the free silver they gave us. I was tempted to this past though, but fought the urge.

With all of his money, how did he apparently pick the shittiest tattoo artist to do this for him? I can draw that. And I suck at drawing stick figures.

3 raids in 2 years seems a bit light. I'm hoping they drop at least 1 and update the old ones including the reef.

Halo3’s Legendary ending definitely left the realm open for his return. And introduced the Dyson sphere. I think they were at a loss for an enemy. They brought back the covenant but weren’t super clear in 4 that it was just a sect. Where was the arbiter that whole time? The Prometheans have a cool design, but don’t

And Kim Kardashian as.....every grandmother’s couch.

I believe she isn’t issuing ANY marriage licenses (or so I read). NOT just to Gay couples, but heterosexual couples as well. It is in response to Gay marriage being legalized however.

Don’t forget to use coasters. Don't want to get the dreaded red ring of death.