
There's a ship in Corey's newest book called the Mark Watney, so it's basically canon at this point.

I'd love to watch Killjoys, but it doesn't seem to be streaming anywhere, as far as I can tell.

I considered that, but I thought that would have merited a follow up question.

Is the Jeff [Bridges] supposed to read Jeff [Daniels]?

And stuff.

He did bring a flag.

He's streets ahead.

Really? Holy shit. As it stand's currently, Hulu's Criterion films are the only good source of great/classic films that are streaming.

Eat Loco.

They bought in bulk years ago, and they feel like they have to use them all or it'll just be a waste.

The Hamburglar's trying to go straight, but the system is stacked against ex-cons.

Manny Bothan stole the plans for the second one.

How many Red Lobsters are participating?

A pencil?

Bad guy in Ant Man.

They'll have to redo the theme song again.

Why did I start watching the Family, knowing it would get cancelled after a cliffhanger? I need to start seeing a therapist.

Ended? Didn't it get a third season?

The biggest problem in talking about Superman is people's straw men idea of Superman.

Instead of growing to the same size as the robot, why didn't Ray grow 50 feet taller and have an easier time kicking its ass?