
My understanding of Fuller's plan was that Season of the Lambs was going to happen the season after Red Dragon, but that Red Dragon was bumped to Season 3.5 instead of 4.

The impending Silence of the Lambs rights issue may have been an issue as well.


12 Monkeys is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

And how long does it take him to build that rocket? That guy was standing there eating Doritos for a while.

It's the kind of character development you don't want when a character's alive.

They finally gave him some personality and backstory in the episode after be died.

That sounds like a name that would come before Big McLargeHuge in a joke list.

I'm hoping they call the show To Hunt(er) a Mockingbird.

12 Monkeys is great, and doesn't seem to get a lot of attention. I was excited to see two comments in this thread, until I saw they were from the same person.

I've never realized how much I want a show about psychic kickboxers until now.

You're like the Abed of racism.

It got better, it didn't get good.