
this is an example of a flawed article - 1978 hmmm what happened around that time that made all fossil fueled travel extremely expensive?

anyways all jest aside, yes, if you are traveling by yourself well in advance on a short trip with a very limited carryon, you are saving money (but not 50%). But i disagree that is

I don’t know what these fundamentalist fuckers are worshiping, but it ain’t Jesus...

You’re kidding right?

How much do you expect an 18 hour flight between Hawaii and Boston to cost?

Worse than offering ludicrously below-market salaries, Gilbert also screwed Griffin out of a decent next gig when he refused to let him interview for jobs that were available, like Atlanta, Milwaukee, and maybe others. (Milwaukee with Griff would’ve been really interesting) A real dick move when he had no intention

McKneely said that members of the New Black Panther Party showed up with a crew from the European documentary-film company Pulpa Film, and at least one of the people arrested was wearing a microphone.

Can’t hate on him for going after it full force like he is. Respect deserved. But I’m still confused why, during election season, he ended up not voting and not caring about his vote. I will never understand the argument “Both Candidates are Corrupt”, because as proof, by not voting, there is now a senile Elf in the

People on the island had evidently been saying for years that this is what happened, and no one really believed them.

Maybe, or maybe they don’t want to be embarrassed that she was summarily executed as an American spy, and figure the whole dark episode is better ignored.

Lol because Boston is such a bastion of the alt-right it’s the most consistently blue state in the country... move along

When was the last time someone was threatened with a cross burning in the south?

So, you don’t know the difference between climate and weather. Boy, those creationist/climate change denying science classes did a good job! You are ignorant as fuck.

It’s probably got something to do with you seeing a headline in 2013, putting it in your pocket, and then never looking at global warming headlines again, or bothering to take a look at any data. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of you not realizing that the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998.

I know this is a terrible way to feel, but I’m not as sad as I should be that deniers will be hurt far worse by this.

Good. Can we rename the fucking military bases that are named in honor of these traitors next?

To add to that thought, line the roof of the truck and trailer with solar panels. It won’t solve the charging problem but it could add a few more miles of range. Not only that but it could power a battery for the inside of the truck for heat and other stuff on the drivers down time. Right now the abilities of

Adding weight won’t change the way the engine delivers power.

Absolutely. Trump, Pence, and the rest of the GOP aren’t doing a thing to help US kids who are suffering from life-threatening situations, disease, pain, suffering, and hunger. They’d rather “win” at politics and lower the tax burden of the richest Americans than come up with a real solution that protects children.

The dying poor children in the U.S. don’t give him the glorified media attention he craves and thrives off of.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.