Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you.
Damn. I’ll be sure to warn my black girlfriend of that.
It was clearly for the safety of the sellers. If the cops hadn’t cuffed them they would have been forced to shoot them as wielding a deadly weapon. And if you don’t think water is a deadly weapon, try get a water bottle onto an airplane...
My team traded everyone’s favorite superstar for an unproven 2nd year player, a torn ACL, a 7 ft finnish guy that can’t play defense, and $3.5 million in cash.
50 bucks says the Trump kid picks his nose....
“I wanted to give him a chance. He seemed like a real winner, but this has gone too far.” - At least one of my uncles.
Anyone think the man is physically capable of even playing a round without a cart?
Anyone think he’s ever carried his own clubs a single time in his life?
Dude: “It’s in the Torah”
Good! That guy is an idiot. I say this as a Jewish American, the leeway that orthodox sects and Hasidim are given in secular situations is beyond ridiculous.
I was bullied back in the day, pretty regularly. I learned to value personal resilience and to actively develop a sense of self worth, and how to fight my battles on my terms. In that sense, the lack of assistance was invaluable, as the experience taught me how to deal with the mentality that leads to bullying. I’d…
Honestly, when you talk about “Fake News”, I think that term applies far more to the sports world than anywhere else.
You think about when free agency comes around every year, there are so many damn insiders and bloggers with all their random “sources telling us this and that”, and 95% of it turns out to be complete…
You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. How many surgeries are Navy docs performing? From the multiple surgeries I had while in the military, I can answer that for you...zero. Civilian docs performed all 3. Military docs diagnosed sinus infections and gave physicals. Most were nurse practitioners and…
There’s hope in a world where Michael Scott can provide the inspiration for Lebron James to own Draymond Green on the internet.
I think the folks who don’t think this will change anything regarding this views are more than likely right, but we can still hope...
His dead body would like a word...
Somewhere, Nicole Kidman is reading this and cackling.
“He said we shouldn’t worry about rising sea levels,”
This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.
I grew up near there and have visited many times. The island is doomed, and will be uninhabitable within my lifetime. Anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.