You should turn in your Pats fan card right now
You should turn in your Pats fan card right now
No, Brady is the walking embodiment of hard work and determination. There was nothing given to him last night. He made it happen with his skill, talent and preparation. The color of his skin had nothing to do with it whatsoever.
I’m really enjoying that one now that TB12 is confirmed as the GOAT. Suck it haters
You haven’t hunted much, have you? Hunters are notorious for drinking WHILE hunting. I’ve witnessed it literally hundreds of times.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up
He’s in charge. if it went poorly then its on him, just like it would’ve been had it been Bush or Obama. The fact here is that Obama didn’t do this because he didn’t think the mission was viable. Trump decided it was and now we have dead SEALs. As CiC, this is on him.
The SEALS ARE heroes. They CiC is an idiot, but you can’t blame those guys for doing their job.
You mean aside from him being President and ordering it?????
Yeah, but they were Christians so they thought it didn’t apply to them....... further enforcing the idea that all of this was and is a muslim ban.
wrong..... all you’ll do is get arrested and give the other side ammo to be violent back. All it will serve to do is make the other side go “See, I told you they were a bunch of thugs”. The violence at Berkeley is only reinforcing people’s beliefs that their decision to support him was right. Go talk to an old…
That’ll quickly change though if they continue to get violent. The people you want to change their minds are completely turned off by the violence and what you will see is a hardening of their support for him based on this alone. They have bad flashbacks to the 60s and Vietnam and all those damn hippies. Keep it…
“What appears to be true.....” Yeah, thats simply your take on this based on what you want to have happened. You have just as little evidence to support your position, but since you want that part to be true you’ll say its factual
why not? They’re drinking like fishes when they go hunting
If you believe in science then yes. If you are an irrational Pats hater then no.
you lose most of your heat from your head and feet....... Boy Scouts 101
Stop it with all that logic and facts. He wants to have an irrational hate for the Pats
We are absolutely fine right now. The plan is unfolding perfectly for us
I was going to Schaeffer in 81'. You want to meet a person that appreciates this run go find someone in their late 40s who was an actual Pats fan back in the day (and believe me, there aren’t many of us around)
And he did that because of the NFL’s idiotic rules. He got dinged for this and decided to err on the side of caution. If he HAD done this you can be certain that the Pats would be severely punished. We’ll see what the coward Goddell does to the Cheathawks