
Maybe ask white people why we can’t all be people.

It attracts wealthy Black people because they think their money insulates them from the problems us regular Negroes deal with. I don’t know how any non-wealthy Black person who is actually aware of what the hell goes on in this country could possibly find the new black narrative attractive.

it’s also a very flattering narrative: “ I was able to pull myself up by my own bootstraps, and it was because of my awesomeness and hard work ect etc.” Therefore those who can’t, can’t because they must be lazy or weak or have some other character flaw.

The new black narrative is attractive to wealthy Black people and poor black people because it disregards the structural, systematic forces that shape our lives and gives us practical, personal ways to cope with them. In that way it is very much like a self help book- just another aspect of the American dream.

This race thing is just so stupid.

Still in California.


Er, I’m a millennial (like, the most millennial of millennials) and I’m 26. Millennials are NOT teenagers, no matter what people seem to think. Ja Rule was INSANELY popular when I was in middle school so yeah, I have a lot of memories of him (before I realized he was really violent and involved in some shaaaady shit).

I guess I’m an older millennial (‘87), but knowing there are people in my generation who don’t know about Ja Rule is just murdaaaaaaaaa to my heart.

It’s this damn economy.

Meanwhile, Sisqo’s calls go unreturned.

...Is it 2015? Why am I looking at a video of Ja Rule?

Every thug needs a lady. Hahaha I am loving the twitter memes.


My stages of grief in reading this fuckery, in GIF form:

Mike and his wife stripped the governor’s mansion when they left. The state had to replace china, silverware, curtains, rugs, etc. Yeah, that’s someone you want in charge of the budget/cookie jar.