
What? Don’t you mean that the other way around? I can not stand Barkley. I’d need to be drunk out of my motherfucking mind to put up with that dolt for more than five minutes.


I was so worried it was James Corden. lol

That is good to know. Reporters are so lazy, these days, in general, so it was nice to see her actually give another side to the story. Usually, reporters just camp out with the police or city government during events like this.

Okay, so who is the WBAL reporter, tho? She needs some kudos. This was awesome. This is how you do journalism.

I love how ass-hurt all the Bostonians in this thread are.

Wait, they were already slow as fuck, so what did we need a slo-mo for?

She needs to be gone from the show, but that’s really the least of her worries. She’s clearly at a point where he life is in danger, and this has been clear for some time. She never needed to be on the show, she needs to be off the show, but she has got to get help NOW.

I’m kind of weirded out that people here keep referring to her as B-list. My version of a B-list would include well known actors/celebrities on network television large enough that most people would know them by name. I guess she could be argued to be included amongst them, but she’s definitely on the lower end of the

I really don’t think that this is what happens most of the time. lol But, hey, I’m not going to hate on her. Create scenes where you can, girl.

I don't think you understand how fish work, love.

This guy is a legit psychopath. Even now after the trial you basically find out that he just liked to kill; it didn’t go much deeper than that. Fuck this guy.

The Most Dangerous Game.

What does any of this even mean? Where are you from?

I totally believe this. lol

So, the embarrassing thing: I didn’t leave. I didn’t get out of the room. I stuck around, and then drove her home in the morning. I didn’t want to leave her stranded miles away from home in a motel. And, as a postscript, we’ve remained very good friends over the past 15+ years. We never got together, but it isn’t a

Hell, I was scared to graduate to the sprint karts at the Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix after I got my license. Just the idea of taking a Lambo around an actual speedway makes my palms sweat.

Tiger Woods has had every fucking excuse in the book for the past how-many-ever years it’s been since his comeback. I’m tired of hearing about it. It’s really pathetic to see someone so great complain all the goddamn time. Oh, my back! Oh, my glutes! Oh, my wrist! Just fucking quit, already, if you can’t play at the