DJ Jazzy Jeff

Yeah he's now like a pre-takeover Oliver Queen level billionaire yet he has to lease out an apartment? Shocking they never mention that, ever.

People forget that Thawne/Wells owned like half the city including star labs, and left it to Barry after he died. Which is probably why Star Labs hasn't shut down and Barry can afford that place.
They just seem to have conviently forgotten all of that.

Nope, that is totally illegal.

Yeah totally missing Barry's logic.
"I can't tell Patty my secret and need to break up with her because I had dream Zoom might hurt her or something."

So did Barry and Iris just like do it on the floor, or….?

Yeah was more referring to Kara, but Savitar seems like he would be more dangerous, considering he's faster and can affect multiple timelines from others.

I have to say Ford's final speech was absolutely mind-blowing.

He basically serves as the batman of the Arrowverse since there is currently no actual one, so would not be surprised if he built an Arsenal of Kryptonite arrows and traps.

To be fair they would have to be quick or strong enough to not get impaled by a fist from the start.
To be honest must be weird for them going from average people on their home planet to gods on another.

Well Snart returns next LoT episode but I don't know in what capacity, so we'll see how she handles it.

You'd think they'd be just as worried about the semi-God tier alien that just showed up on Barry's earth.
Like "she can do what? So… we have any of those aliens in our universe, or….?"

To be honest I thought he won the first fight anyways, had just thrown a dart through Barry's knee and had the man in a headlock, probably could have stabbed again pretty easily had they not shown up with the disco lights.

To be fair would be funny to see Oliver learn about Kryptonite.

I recall Barry still being the original speed force source. Wally seemed to be slightly more powerful overall. I don't think there's a doubt who's faster though.
Give a speedster some Kryptonite though and I think it's no contest.

Yeah wouldn't she be in the newly modified meta prison now? Or did they just leave them chilling in those cells for the past 10-15 episodes.

Fair enough, then again comic book Barry Allen literally is the speed force, homie's basically speed Jesus. I probably would take him in a matchup with Supergirl. But he's nowhere near that level in the show, so who knows.

Well at the moment they're not getting married anymore.

Only having seen Savitar so far, and seeing how often Kara gets kicked around by her Villains, wouldn't be surprised if Savitar wiped the floor with her.

Nah, Barry smacked Superman to a different continent in the comics. That infinite mass punch carries a wallop.

To be fair in the comics Barry Allen literally was the speed force, was faster than even Superman, and could also punch him to a different continent. So I think they kinda have nerfed him far more than Supergirl.