
Picture Marshawn giving a fuck about what fans think of him.

Lets not be naïve. While they certainly value winning, they don’t value it more than money. Durant will make a staggering 72m next year with endorsements, etc. Ask him to get paid just 1m next year to stay on a winning team, and we’ll see if he or others really value winning more than money.

He never asks Felger the most important and obvious question, which is “Why do you even have a family?”, because it becomes painfully obvious that the dude only lives to work, and literally everything else is secondary to that. Felger even blurts out “My family and I prioritize my work” as if there has been some

Is there anything as infuriating as an asshole with a fairly non strenuous job talking about how hard they work? I want nothing more than to take this asshole to a construction job site in dead summer heat and make him work a good old fashioned ten hour day up on a roof, lugging hand tools, and making fuck all for it.

If you have a house on Nantucket for bullshitting hot takes into a mic a few hours a day, capitalism treated you really fucking good.

Why are so many americans proud of being treated like shit by capitalism?

I took 3 months of unpaid paternity leave when my son was born in 2007, and it was probably the most important 3 months of my life.

I’m in the middle of grading my students’ final papers, and when I read these passages from Brody, I was transported back to the worst of the bunch from these last three days.

I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”

Hayes Valley is cool.