Diversity Hire

Just don’t shop at Target.

Should have ordered 10 servings of the most expensive toro and then left once served. That would drive the point home.

I refuse service to all sorts of people and don’t tell them why.

Imagine how bad it would have been if he was driving a Mustang.

It’s impossible for blacks to be racist because racism is application of white privilege.

Fucking racist bitches.

Y A S S ! ! !
They have to go back

That broke whore wanted it.


All I have to add to this is: At least taste your food before adding salt/pepper to it. As for ketchup or other condiments, you probably already know what is included and what extra you want.

Your response is pretty much what I’d expect from someone who is devoted to the failing educational institutions. At best the educational institutions can try evolve to accommodate contemporary needs. However, what I’m suggesting is more revolutionary. A total re-thinking of what education means, how to deliver it,

Now playing

My point is simple: The technology exists for replacing brick and mortar schools with all sorts of technology. Conflating that with all these superfluous arguments about child supervision, free lunch, free breakfast, etc is irrelevant as those are parenting issues. Every child has different needs, which is for the

Jalopnik readers will cringe at that tape road. Why would a car take up both lanes?

Perhaps by gross numbers, but not on a per-capita basis.

The dehumanization of MS-13 gang members doesn’t go far enough in my opinion. They aren’t even animals; they are evil in corporeal form. Animals have souls. MS-13 members are soulless.

So what you’re saying is that the educational system is literally a state provided nanny.

The question implies that the school system serves primarily as a babysitter.

This is exactly what Trump does, which authors at this and other Gawker whatever you are called now bitched and moaned about:

Absolutely. Can’t be any worse than the failure that is the public school system.

Trying to make someone who has made transgressions an un-person doesn’t address the problem, it just runs from it. Keep him in the fold and be there to teach and mentor.