

"Gallup's conclusion is a bit hard to swallow" - I see what you did there...

I was going to say that too. It was Starfleet HQ. Scotty was at the controls trying to help on Enterprise.

I never understood why, if Apple products were so good, why I needed a 'Genius' to help me with them. The fact they're even referred to as that is rather insulting.

Yes, that would be about time...

Jason Wynn says hello.

I knew those ancient aliens knew what they were doing when they gave us DNA..

Sexiest woman to ever be on television. Period.

What else would you call it?

The chopsticks and eyeball remind me of a scene from the book/movie IT.

It's because American broadcasters can't say 'Saskatchewan'.

It's funny, I've been watching the CFL for 40 years, and in this country we say;

There's far more "athleticism" in the CFL than you realize. Given that the CFL puts emphases on speed rather than size, it's a sport that requires a different athlete. This doesn't make them less athletic, just different. Those NFL players that do manage to crack a CFL roster are generally told to get into "CFL Game

There's far more 'tradition' in Canadian football than "traditional" American football.

That is actually factually true. Go read the news. They're suing everyone and their dog. Put away your Apple shirt and go read some news to educate yourself.

No, Apple is going out of their way to kill any product that even remotely resembles an iPad in any way shape or form. Which ALL tablets do by virtue of them simply being tablets. Tablets were invented, then Apple made a tablet called the iPad, now Apple is trying to prevent any other company from making a tablet,

What they're getting at is that Apple claims that, because they 'invented the iPad', nobody else should be allowed to make Tablet computers (which is all the iPad is). That's like saying nobody else should be allowed to build cars simply because Chevy invented the Corvette.

While I agree with these two guys 100%, this is arguably the most horribly produced video I've seen.

A whole article about science dealing with waste and waste management and not a single picture of...