
Some people seem to come back from the dead and nobody notices at all.

Ros IS one of my favourite characters and I'd actually like to see much more of her (from a character perspective that is, we already see "lots of her".)

How about making Siri realize that there are countries outside the US. I can't even use Siri for anything beyond finding out what the local weather is. "Find me Chinese Food" - "I'm sorry, I can't find things in Canada." "Get me airline tickets" - "I'm sorry, I can't do that in Canada.", etc, etc, etc...

Outside of Christina Hendricks, Our Mrs Reynolds was forgettable. Christina Hendricks could have her own show of her standing around looking at the camera for an hour, and it would be the highest rated show on TV.

I didn't take that as Olivia and Peter talking about having a baby. When She asked if there was a nursery, I took that to mean that Olivia already knows she's pregnant and was subtly letting Peter in on it. So I think she's already knocked up.

As mentioned below, this exact image was done a few years ago. Not new.

I have that on vinyl and digital. I remember listening to it years ago when I still lived at home and rediscovered it a few months ago. Really great stuff right there.

You forgot the MECO version of the Star Wars soundtrack.

As for Mark Hamill, am I the only one that ever saw Corvette Summer?

I thought King Kong was very good.

Low budget or high budget, I'll look at Eva Green all day long.

Caprica needed a second full season. They spent far too much of the first season with unimportant story lines. If the teaser at the end of the final episode meant anything, season 2 would have been much more interesting...

It is absolutely true. I've done the research.

I've been saying we need to stop fishing for about 10 years. Not because of tongue eating parasites, but because the worlds fish stocks are sitting at about 10% of what they were only 100 years ago. And don't even get me started on Shark Fin Soup...idiots.

That movie seems to be universally panned. But I really enjoyed it and wish they'd do a sequal.

Let me know when Emma Watson is reading Hermione and Ginny.

That guy sure likes his Kingston Class MCDV's

Don't you mean Green Arrow?