
"Holy tits"??

Boba Fett shot first.

Sort of what I was thinking...

So were the Horton brothers years prior.

Agreed with this. Seriously, By snagging (and snogging) Hermione (Emma Watson) Ron is basically a Single A player that hit a home run in the World Series.

So with Ron out of the way, would there have been a Hermione and Ginny cat-fight over Harry?

You`d think a French study would have shown that French Neanderthals simply surrendered themselves into extinction.

It's Laura Dern in those blue-jeans.

I heard Harrison Ford was looking for this guy.

" In the new Google TV, another related video will automatically begin playing when the previous video finishes."

Wow... really?!... how about maintaining an armed forces for the defense of our own nation? We have more oil than the middle east. We have the highest number of natural resources in the world (including around 7-8% of the worlds fresh drinking water). You don`t think there are countries out there that are going to

We need these because our CF-18's which are very heavily used in combat roles around the world, are going on 30 years old (the prototype flew in the 70s and our first airframe, 188901, was delivered in 1983!). We can't fly CF-18's (actually, they're CF-188's) forever. While I`m not a big fan of the single engine, the

Canada purchased about 70 F-35's. That`s about 70 too few considering our massive airspace, but if you`re going to mock, at least get the aircraft right.

The rope hanging off that soap would be like a little tail...

Her and others...

I noticed their future doesn`t include a single Apple logo :)

As a touch typist, I loathe trying to type on a touch screen. Physical keyboards will never go away.

Hmm... didn't know there was a Canadian version. It doesn't seem all that different from the 'non Canadian' one.

I`ve only just started watching this show. It was unavailable in Canada until Showcase started showing it, but they started on season 3. So I went out and grabbed the first two seasons on DVD. Great fun.

I suppose for me it would be Barbarella. I've tried to watch it. And believe me, young Jane Fonda is super hot, but I just can't get past the acting, or sets, or effects for more than about 10 minutes.