Diver Down



Thank you for bringing facts to this ‘discussion’.

No it’s not.  Sit down.

There are also a lot of ‘stinkingly stupid’ people on the interwebs.

Oh FFS.  “Regime”.  “Purge”.  Go ask your mom for a glass of water so you can take your next dose of meds.

Well thought out rebuttal.

Jesus, if you’re that delusional then please do move to Canada.  We’ve got plenty of crazy here as it is.

Good luck in 2024 comrade.

Worked for me.  $6.91 shipped.

Worked for me.  $6.91 shipped.

We’re also mostly water and water is chemicals so therefore we shouldn’t drink water because logic.

Wildly!  You hear me?  Wildly!!

Pennies probably cause cancer in California...’cause Prop 65.

I hope this is thrown out as a frivolous lawsuit and they are in turn sued by LaCroix for damages.

Food Babe?  Is that you?

“He mention what those things he should not have said are, but I’m willing to bet this quote from his hearing is part of it:”

Go get ‘em Spartacus.

Wow, you guys are on a roll.  Finding new and clever ways to politicize every story on LifeHacker.  Here I was coming here to get away from that.  Damn.

Or you know, he’s just been falsely accused of multiple rapes and had his life forever change.  Seems like that would made anyone just a tad upset.

Unhinged?  Deranged?  Do tell me how you reacted when you were falsely accused of multiple rapes?  Oh, never had that happen to you?  Well then, I guess we have no idea how you would react in that situation.

So she went to parties where high schools were being “gang raped” not once, not twice, but 10 times, without ever reporting this to someone but we’re supposed to believe her?