That depends - are you in Wisconsin? If so, you should not only bring your kid, you can get him/her a drink while you’re at it.
That depends - are you in Wisconsin? If so, you should not only bring your kid, you can get him/her a drink while you’re at it.
Yeah Sean, those are just words on a blog post. It’s not like they are important or have any real meaning.
You need 10 lbs per acre of pure live seed for a proper wildflower planting. Depends on how much space you’re trying to cover.
Jesus - how long does it take to hit the emergency stop!?
That adapter doesn’t do USB-C PD. It just let’s you plug a USB-C cable into a standard USB port.
That adapter doesn’t do USB-C PD. It just let’s you plug a USB-C cable into a standard USB port.
Here’s the thing about corporate taxes - corporations don’t pay taxes, people do. But wait, sure they do you say - corporations pay taxes all the time. But...where do corporations get that money in the first place? From people. People work and earn an income. Their income is taxed. They spend their taxed income on…
But why?
Color of the bottle. The gin is clear.
Absolutely! Fired, prosecuted and sued!
He deserves a fucking bullet in the head!
This asshole needs to have his eye sockets digitally penetrated!
They still have to go through immigrations so yes.
Ever been to a country where they stamp your passport with a 90 day temporary visa? Yep, that’s why. It’s not that stupid.
Print what? A list of countries that require you to have X number of months remaining on your passport? Sure, let’s add 10 extra pages to the passport. Let’s also make a list of countries requiring visas because it’s not like there is a website you can go to and look that up. Oh wait, yes there…
Gee, I don’t know...maybe because once you enter their country they will likely grant you a 90 day or 180 day temporary visa. So, what happens when you stay 180 days in their country and then can’t get back into the good ole USA because your passport is expired?
You sound fun. How about you direct all that hate toward something positive? Perhaps something like expecting some integrity from our journalists?
All the stars for you - journalistic integrity is gone. Until these bozos can act like professional adults, treat them all like the diaper shitting, toddler tantrum throwing fuckwits they are.
You seem to be forgetting the part where he grabbed her and forcefully shoved his tongue down her throat. Oh, and the part where he admitted it.
that too!