
That's what I'm sayin!

It worked really well as it was, in my opinion. The lady whose drink got turned to wood mid-spill was hilarious.

As we should.

1. The relaunch this year is NOT a reboot. They're changing branding and releasing new titles, but continuity is staying intact.
2. There have actually been a lot of good New 52 comics.

I just hope that we get more Rigby/Eileen stuff.

Why would a mole have a beaver tail?

Maybe the comets are just a pattern, and don't necessarily have to come from the same source. An agent of change comes from space every 1000 years, but it doesn't have to actually be a comet.

Superman and Lois aren't together right now either, but they are in the movie. Adaptations generally go by "classic" canon. Not saying I don't like Olicity, I'm just saying that it's unlikely to come to fruition.

A blindfold would've made so much sense there.

At first he was, but after finding out he became an interesting character.

Man, he's actually my favorite character. IMO, Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin make the perfect trio.

Barry/Iris is too canon to not happen. Same with Ollie/Laurel.

The reporter job is a good turn for her character. Before this, all her plots revolved around Barry, Joe, or Eddie. Now she has a chance to actually do something.

I agree. I also hope Regular Show is done with romance drama; the latest episode is a good cap for it.

I think Kuvira's not supposed to be relatable. She's supposed to just serve as an unbeatable threat, to be Korra's biggest challenge.

Theory: Reverse-Flash is like TH White's Merlin, in that he moves backwards through time. Flash will do something to him in the future that makes him want revenge, causing him to fight him and eventually kill his mom. Wells has the costume because eventually he's going to create the Reverse-Flash.

Oh my god was that a gut punch. I felt so awful after watching that.

Uh, I think everyone did.

But keep in mind that the kingdom and all its people are her creations. What altruistic motive would she have for creating hundreds of subjects for herself?

Theory: Jake's crazy imagination isn't just a personality trait, but a sort of superpower arising from his magical nature. Explains how it was able to influence the real world in Rainy Day Daydreams, how Blue Nose took on a personality of his own despite being Jake's tail, and how Jake imagined an entire city in less