Asphalt gameplay and some badddd looking UI.
Asphalt gameplay and some badddd looking UI.
Funny how I haven't come back to play since it went FTP..
That Kurosawa collection is GORGEOUS. ./drool
The more a company embraces its own modding user base, the more it will profit and the less it will be "hacked".
@Ldubbz: +2 sanity
@Odin: Oh I agree, WoW is famous for the addons, I stopped a while ago but even back when I played it was mandatory and pervasive. I'm sure that hasn't changed.
Man, think geek keeps upping their game.
I don't know, if all you did was pack together freely available mods AND you gave credit individually to creators, I think you did pretty right by them.
Beforew I flop around my Epeen storage, I think the question needs better definition.. How much storage do I need in my computer? (Laptop etc.) or how much storage do I need for data?
@gerrrg: I agree, old news, and quite frankly.. though I hesitate to say it, it's easy to buy the story that Google is one of those great corporate big entities.
@distalled: Ok engadget had more info, which makes the build seem more appealing.
I get it.
While nothing in my life is remotely similar (historically) to Zeller, I truly empathized with him and this final letter had me at the brink of tears.
@KillMurderSuicide: Wow, didn't mean to illicit CAPS LOCK HATRED but now that we're here,
@rainofwalrus: me2
Yah, this is another example of the concept idea not going through the necessary question, what need does this serve that is not already met, and if it met, can it be made better by this?
The game's so short, they've played through it at CES!
You gotta wonder if the marketing caste in general has found some new drug vastly superior to coke.
@KillMurderSuicide: Well I'd never, especially with sony, ever hack before it's stable and I let 10,000 other people try it.
I'm not a nature nut, or a grimy kind of guy. I do believe in deodorant, or hell, cologne, but I rarely soap up unless I've gotten particularly dirty.