
I'm all for criticism, god knows I am not the pinnacle of enlightenment. I actually think it's really good that there has been lots of discussion on the topic, as (from a non trans point of view) it seems one of the many issues facing trans people is lack of visibility and awareness.

Not at all, but the point I am making, once you decide that one particular subset of human culture is untouchable to any kind of associative humour (and bearing in mind how drag has historically always been about pushing the boundaries of taste and decency), then it sets a dangerous precedent. But then I am vehemently

Ok, lets turn this around. What if a bunch of people decided that being labelled "Cis" was offensive and derogatory, and wanted the usage of the word banned in all forms. Would you say "Yeah, that seems reasonable" or would the more likely response be "What? Get the hell out of here"?

I don't think any sensible person is mourning the loss of a pun. However, the dangerous precedent that has been set by the introduction of censorship into the show is cause for alarm. Whats to stop every tom, dick and harry (or their female/non gender specific equivalents) from turning this show into a sterile non

Wow. Ok few points, you may say that Rupaul isn't trans and therefore cannot represent them, but he has featured trans people on his show, always in a positive and accepting light, so he has at the very least contributed towards positive reinforcement and visibility for trans people. I find your comment that "if you

Phi Phi was only in the top 3 because of her feud with Sharon. We knew it, she knew it, and it showed in the reunion special. I imagine taping the fake win for Phi Phi must have been quite hard for her, which pleases me.

It's like the Ben/Darienne thing. When the groups merged they seemed friendly, Ben was hugging Darienne and then suddenly: boom. A few catty remarks by Darienne and it's feud time, except frustratingly for the editors Ben seems utterly disinterested at the idea of some sort of Alyssa/Coco style drama. Darienne seems

I think it was a combination of Trinity repeatedly getting Chaz' name wrong, which made me cringe and clench out of second degree embarrassment every time she did it, and the fact that she has performed badly quite a few times. I think Ru decided her time was up. In terms of the narrative her story has been played out

Courtney definitely has an ego problem, which I think is going to cost her, but I wouldn't say she is coasting. I believe it is only her and Bianca who have yet to fall into the bottom two, and Courtney is tied with Ben for most wins, so you could say she is doing the best out of all of them in terms of statistics. I

The removal of She-Mail was jarring, which can be blamed by hastily editing the programme before air, but what makes it all kind of sad is that this episode dedicated a decent chunk of it's running time to Chaz and delved into some of the gender identity issues that encompasses human nature. Without wanting to be

Glad to see that the other queens are finally picking up on Darienne's toxic attempts at bitchy humour. Shame that Ben Delacreme didn't speak up about how this has been going on for some time directed solely at her. I feel bad for Ben because (s)he is such a sweetheart, and I can relate to his struggles with

I bet you must love this video.

On the one hand I am laughing my arse off at all this reading of Laganja but there is a small part of me that feels bad imagining Laganja reading this comment thread and having one of her episodes and shouting about how evil people are to anyone unfortunate enough to have working eardrums.
Oh. Never mind. The feeling

Oh god I am stealing that line. :)

She said it herself in Untucked during the whole Alyssa's Secret "Lets talk about me for 5 minutes non stop" that had the rest of the queens mentally retreating to their happy place. Something about how she had to get herself a proper job or something as her parents basically cut her off. And, to be fair to Laganja's

I think the thing is, this show, like all reality shows, has to have a narrative. Bianca is the witty bitch with a heart of gold, Trinity is the self doubting queen that is being coaxed out of her shell, Laganja was the oblivious self absorbed mess, Courtney is the cocky pretty one that needs to learn more humility,

I quite like Courtney. Her whole discussion she was having about straight men and the whole gender illusion thing in the first episode of untucked was an interesting perspective to have from both sides of the drag coin. She does need to stop relying on the fact that she is uber fishy and stop letting her Australian

Aaaaand i'm laughing again. :) All harshness aside, as a show season 6 would have been a duller show without the oblivious lunacy that is hurricane Laganja. So, you know, she gets props for that.

Oh yes, I forgot about her, possibly because I have been spending the rest of time since season 5 aired desperately trying to repress the memory of her awfulness.

Every queen in the room was just "Ugh. This bitch." And I loved them for it. It seems that every season has to have their utterly unlikable queen and Laganja joins the coveted selection that includes Roxxxy, Phi Phi and Serena Chacha