
Looks like Michael K. Williams will be adding another role to this list as Leonard in the Sundance series Hap and Leonard, based on Joe R. Lansdale's books.

Where's the review for episode 10?

No shout-out for Snart's line "This isn't my first prison break"?

And next week looks even worse…a re-tread of the whole "Finn attacks a peaceful encampment" story.

Most overrated writer of 2015: Ales Kot

All right, it does get better, but not 30 Rock better. And that is easily the worst theme song ever…

I think NBC had the right idea when they passed on this…second episode is just as bad…

Geez, but that first episode is awful…hope this gets better…

I looked at the trailer for this one a couple of times and decided, I've already seen that movie. I mean, I bet I could write the screenplay for this one—there isn't a single surprise in the whole thing. They took a bit of this movie and a bit of that one and some of that one over there and threw it all together.

How come there are only 18 albums? The piece promises the "23 Best."

I really liked that episode last night. It was much better than last week's and almost, just almost, up to a par with some of the weaker of the Harmon-era episodes. The battle with the Germans was great, Malcolm McDowell's professor was spot-on, and a lot of the community college stuff was very true. It's a continuing

Sorry, but that was just horrible. Like someone had watched the old Community that once was and was trying to ape it, but had no idea what made the show work. Very sad right now…