boner patrol

i guess you could say there's no more mrniceguy26

are you saying 18 is too many or too few?

you don't know what you're talking about for number 2

I'm gonna skip this one and wait for Fullest House in 2030.

gary dosent want his ghoulfrend to walk around naked. klatter cannot sleep because of kenny's roger-roasters. garage wants to have secks and eat pastrome. Elaine deals with a sidler at work.

"I guess it really was Jango's Radical Day Off."

you're citing the motive for the censorship

that's totally censorship dude. how is it not?

how is a big black cock producing movies at all?

they finally made god cop

remember that ep where the kids walk in on phil and claire in the bedroom and he's doing her doggy style?

oh also it should have obviously been "voice of kevin conroy"

for whatever reason, I thought the silver baller was going to be Troy for like the first ten minutes.

how long until a million ways to die in the west gets a criterion release?

"a refrain as dull and unilluminating coming from him as it is from any internet commenter, or reviewer"


you're allowed to do that, your boss isn't

WHEEL OF FORTUNE recap for Thur., May 14 - they done spinned that wheel good and they said a letter one lady said r but there was no rs so the man spinned and he got himself a bankrupt on the little bankrupt with the big money inbetween in it and he didn't win no money that whole show tell you what. then this

it was a rhetorical question, I wasn't actually curious on if you've seen a particular video

did you see the banksy one?