
Having Abigail as his "Igor" explains how he had so much time to see patients, set up elaborate dinner parties, have an affair AND set up elaborate murder tableaux.

In Silence of the Lambs he comments on Starling wearing a certain scent, '…but not today." I figured that Will had showered but was wearing a piece of clothing that he'd worn while with Freddie, maybe his jacket or pants.

I was so sad, seeing Will burning Hannibal's notebooks not just because they'd make a fascinating read but because of the loss of that handwriting. It was like watching art being burned.

I saw some blue and red lights reflected in the wet fence as Hannibal walked past it. I assumed the EMTs were pulling up as he walked away.

Seeing Du Maurier gazing adoringly at him in that last scene was so incongruous that I thought we were in part of Hannibal's mind palace. I expected to see Will, Jack and everyone else filling the seats around him until I noticed that he still had cuts on his face. No reason for him to carry those into a fantasy

I had to pause my DVR to admire that omelet plating. Of course he served it with a lightly fried tomato and some blood sausage. I was wondering if that duck's egg with the feather stuck through it was an opened balut, a delicacy in many Asian countries where you eat the duck fetus. That would be so very Hannibal!

I wonder if she makes them out of rock crystal candy?