
didn't he say outright he was going north because he saw a vision in the fire?

the Unsullied would completely destroy the Wildlings, little to no casualties on their side. Superior equipment, superior tactics, superior training.

because one took the entirety of the time away from the other

he's an asshole, so he's probably alive. Then again, he was pretty badass this episode so….

ok, so maybe I'm missing a lot of stuff here, but even taking into account that this was TV, I think this battle is the second longest fight scene I've ever seen on screen, only the battle of Helm's Deep is longer, meaning, not 300, Saving Private Ryan or Platoon battles are as long, maybe We Were Soldiers, but I I'd

hmmm, makes me think the editor's going to rush through the whole thing

Jon said that Mance was testing their strength, which seems like a pretty stupid plan because Mance has no strategic advantage when it comes to losing men, too many dead on a single tribe, too many forced to push the frontline, etc will definitively lead to a mutiny. There's just to point in sacrificing men to put a

yes, but they needed to place Oberyn's death late in the season to generate more shock value, can't let story get in the way of that.

why would it be the wrong reason? that's all that character is.

Oberyn just kind of showed up, now he's dead and the plot didn't move an inch. That's why people say characters die for no reason.

Joffrey was sent 2 prostitutes to have a threesome with and ended up having them beat each other, the showrunners make the point that he wanted to stay clothed during the whole thing, likely to imply he's sexually stunted and THAT'S why he's cruel. When they send the redhead a second time it's no different, according


But the fact that the Vale didn't join was an actual plot point. Caitlyn tries to get Lysa to spare men and that's how the Blackfish ends up joining Robb. Between the North and the lords of the Vale, Robb wouldn't have been under so much pressure to deal with Walder Frey for example.

perhaps a closer analogy would be a man who as a teenager went to some political rally and pissed on the flag, then enlisted in the army because he was unemployed, but served on multiple tours, got 2 purple hearts, went on to become an officer etc. His patriotism becomes unquestionable and such.

I'm being facetious, but for the record I'm glad you didn't agree with that.

Since Jon Arryn was killed, in story time it's been no more than 2 years, give or take and Sansa had her first period around the time of the battle of Blackwater Bay and all that's happened between then and now is the Red Wedding and the Purple Wedding right after. Sure some teenagers take more time to mature but keep

I don't know why is it that the US has such great voice acting but so dismal dubbing, it's crazy

yes, the only logical conclusion is that Varys sent it again to fuck with Jorah.

the story is a scattered mishmash, but since it's the world which is the main draw of the show/books for many people, as long as they can expand that, I for one would be happy.

it's objectification