
No, it was too on the nose to happen. I thought Oliver was going to find a way to break the riddle in order to save them both, instead it was Felicity that stabbed him. It was great, that bait & switch was just phenomenal.

"I do think her gender is a factor, no matter how much you try to obsfucate the discussion."

he would agree


I hope so

lack of empathy is sexism now? what the hell?

Bronn never confirmed that to Tyrion. But Tywin did issue an order to block the entrances to the city and seize the boats at the port so Shae couldn't have left. At this point she would be in the position to barter with the Lannisters for her position, or be threatened,

exactly, it's kind of weird a TV review out of all things said it wasn't explained

It would be pretty fucked up if Triplett's dad is the result of a breeding experiment using "specimens" from Captain America, Fury and that his actual grandfather is Isaiah Bradley.

Coulson: I know what it does.

nah, she's just scared shitless, if she had the impulse to hug and kiss him repeatedly with the more than likely possibility that she would die, it would be kind of odd that she would be so meticulous as to avoid specifically his lips

true, but I just know they'll use that in the next season for something. I just hope is something important.

they do. I don't know why but my first thought went to clones when I saw him. Forgot it was the MCU I guess.

this is greatly appreciated

it was good, but as the review mentions, the one liners were horrible, Samuel L Jackson was kind of phoning it in and the editing on the episode made his reveal feel very clunky (because the lighting on him is so different in relation to Simmon's)

but the Iron Bank is not the Braavosi government. Also, having good swordsmen is like having good riflemen, it's a good thing to have but that doesn't win wars alone.

I thought it was to further show the audience how much of a sham the whole trial is

you're assuming she didn't volunteered

"not nearly as much"

Cersei's gunning for Shae, not Tyrion at the time.