
That walk though after a long boat trip. Visitors will be pissed.

I know alot of people don't like her or find her boring but Meera is a fucking champ..

I now have Ed Sheeran as a faceless man seared into my mind.
''so her going to King's Landing just increases the danger she is in. By a lot''
Which is why i can see the writers taking this route.

But his proximity with Sam will inevitably lead to something.

Showing the Giant walkers is just preparing us for when it happens to 'other' creatures and maybe some familiar faces. Im convinced Walker Hodor will be seen at some point

When Arya returns i can see it happening.

Im glad she didn't deny she admired Cersei.

He actually is!!

No words..That Dany scene was beautifully shot and landed perfectly. What struck me was that they were somehow able to make the moment still epic despite 6 seasons of anticipation.

He did save the day in the end with his homemade suit though. I agree about the bells and whistles but it didn't bother me too much as he failed with them regardless, i also thought it was good character shading for Stark as he clearly overcompensated trying to 'protect' Peter even though he is the one who involved

I found the Hulk and Widow scenes better than the Banner and Widow scenes.


The alley Fightscene in SpL is a thing of beauty and according to the Behind the scenes on the dvd it was not choreograped..The weapons were fake but Donnie yen and the other actor involved basically had a serious spar that was captured on film.
He didn't talk in Blade 2 but he was the coolest character (His name was

Spiderman has the suit we saw in Homecoming.

Think they just wanted to see what would happen with a billion dollar budget

When someone is suggesting that even Rihanna should have been the lead i guess Cara Delevigne delivered another Suicide Squad performance..Yet she will be in other massively budget films.
Haven't seen Dehaan since chronicle (Spiderman does not count, it just doesn't./*)).
But the visuals look too good not to see in IMAX.

Plato o Plamo…Pablo was a badmotherfucker…Im interested where this goes without him…

About a shiny pokemon card?

I had a mint condition shiny Charizard

Example…anyone who watches the Flash…Set photos are out today of the first episode which isn't on until October..Enough hints in the pictures to extrapolate a good amount of what will be happening.