
I saw Radiohead in Kansas City a few years ago. The westboro baptist church came out to protest for reasons that I still find perplexing. They seemed to be protesting policies out of England as opposed to the lyrical content of Kid A. Several protesters held up the signs of the Union Jack and wrote stuff like, "UK

That whole album is practically one working class anthem after another. It was introspective while being somewhat universal. The lyrics are also fantastic. The last few albums seem more about Kanye West's struggle of being a celebrity. And the lyrics…my god, the lyrics are just terrible.

I was like, "Dude, I get your point but is this the hill you want to die on?"

An old friend of mine once tried to start an ethics debate over whether or not necrophilia should be considered a serious crime. His argument was that the act is basically a "victimless crime." We got a lot of weird looks in that restaurant.

Jennifer Weiner sends out 25 tweets.

So did you high five him or what?

I don't think they are thrilled to find vinyl at Target. I think that they technically lost.

I'm not buying that "sympathy for the real devils" line. The review mentions the subtitle and then completely ignores the fact that this is a folktale.

When I was a teenager I worked at a store that played the adult contemporary station all day and all night. At least three times a week I had to listen to Delilah for up to two hours. She would do this thing where she would read a "dedication," give some advice, and then play a song that she felt was appropriate to

I don't have any major qualms with the lack of explanation. Just, you know, curiosity.

One thing I was confused about in the Deadpool movie was whether or not his "breaking the fourth wall" shtick was due to him being mentally unstable. To my understanding that is (more or less) the explanation as to why he breaks the fourth wall in the comics. I don't think the film even touches on him being mentally


I kind of hope that Arseface is not a character.

"A week and a half ago I took a test that said maybe my brain wasn’t as OK as I thought it was." Fucking hell…that was so sad to hear.

I think that is actually the topic of Coldplay's new concept album.

I think you inadvertently described Donald Trump's presidential platform.

It was an impersonator? Son of a bitch!

You have some very strong opinions about Step by Step.

I have a vague recollection of that episode but I'm pretty sure that isn't the episode I am thinking of. It had something to do with Clinton getting her hair styled at that French guy's salon. I swear she made like a 5 second cameo and had no lines in the show.

Probably because he voted against the tax increase to fix the potholes.