The Porkchop Express

I think a lot of these are trolls. What I've personally seen is not different than all the other bitching about current Who. It's more about the older fans not liking the pandering to the new, younger fan base. The most vociferous I've personally seen against the female Doctor is from the same guy who was pissed off

That's one of the RTD stupidities that we've all just forgotten.

Now I'm even more disappointed that nothing like this ever happened.

His most diabolical foe yet.

That's what I thought at first when I read the headline. I'm now disappointed that it isn't the case.

He may have originated the role; but at the end of the day, Stallone was just another one of the Hollywood Expendables.

I didn't know that you multi-classed as a bard.

'What the hell did Charles Grodin do on Midnight Run?!"

The Muppets always walked that fine line between all ages and adult humor. My friend said that he just didn't feel comfortable watching it with his kids. There were some subtle jokes that he enjoyed, but he felt too many were too on the nose. He doesn't want to spend the entire show fielding "Daddy, what does that

To remind you of an era when TV's were big, clunky furniture.

As hard as they try, Atari will never again be leader of the Pac, man.

Punisher: "This whole city's going to the dogs."
CGI Dog: "Hey! I've got feelings too, buster."

I've seen them four times in New Orleans. The last time they didn't have an opening act and instead did two sets. It was awesome.

My #2 would be the Molly Ringwalds. For those who don't know, they're a British 80's cover band that also dresses as 80's pop culture characters/people (Daniel LaRusso-aka the Karate Kid-, Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister, Pee Wee Herman, etc.). They used to play New Years Eve here for about three or four years in a row.

He committed suicide but tried to make it look like he was murdered so his family could get the insurance payout.

Yeah, that dude is generally a fuckhead when it comes to far right bullshit; but I'm actually proud of the asshole on this one.

It's like, "How much more Jodorowsky can this be?" The answer is none. None more Jodorowsky.

Already happened.

After that you're right. It was a whole buncha terrible.

Let's not forget Tales of the Gold Monkey TV show from the 80's.