The Porkchop Express

Yeah, saying people are terrible for making the lame jokes after you'd taken the time and effort to make several yourself poorly disguised as sarcasm is pretty weak.

It's not terrible. It's just horribly oddball and so far away from the mainstream sensibilities. It's a damn fun and funny movie.

Oscar awards aren't about anything as trivial as talent. It's about popularity. How the hell else does Forrest Gump beat out Shawshank for Best Film or Best Actor?

The worst was a summer workshop film where the guy who wrote/directed it had created such magnificent lines as "The name's J.T. That's one 'J' and one 'T'." As well as just picking up the camera, moving it, and start shooting without letting the crew move stuff like lights and equipment out of the background. The guys

This will be a hell of a story to tell at your next high school reunion, Dik.

"Running Out of Comedians" is actually my high concept pitch for NBC's Fall line-up.

Can we just get Fox News and MSNBC to do a giant gladiatorial battle and allow only one survivor?

The way he starts ripping the grass off the lawn is great. I have to give Dante credit too. I honestly can't think of a movie of his that I've seen that I don't like.

Listen, everyone's broken up over Rick's death. We're all dealing with it in our own ways. Agnes is just trying to scam us into some pyramid scheme or some such. Who are you to judge someone's coping mechanism?

You misspelled 'penis'. And it has nothing to do with a Logan's Run remake.

If it's gross points, she could be in the money. If it's net, this movie will never technically make any profit for her to get that 30% from.

Agree about the first and second ones. The third was funny. I think it was more poking fun at the second one and just the ridiculousness of keeping the franchise alive.

With exception of when she first hit the scene, the Ray of Light reinvention was the sexiest that she'd been. Everything else was always too theatrical and over the top. Simplifying her look was a good move for her.

Working grocery is the worst of the retail life. Each has its own drawbacks, but more specialized areas like Best Buy cut down on a lot of the clientele. But with grocery… everybody gotta eat.

Exactly. Vince made one of the most popular wrestlers dance around in giant yellow polka dots for his own amusement. Dusty shocked him by making it work. I hate the WWF era Dusty because I grew up with NWA Rhodes, but I love what he did.

He left just before the record deal.

Dusty was all about being the poor kid who makes good through hard work and dedication. He was at the top of the game in the 80's. Him, Flair, and Hogan (as much as I hate that bastard) were the most recognizable names in wrestling in that decade.

My friend and I still go around saying, "There were two bad peoples. One was John Wayne; and he's dead, brother."

Having been a retail employee, you and your mom were only a mild annoyance. Trust me when I say that the asshole designation requires a shitload more.

I played it at a Blockbuster. I was a big Nintendo supporter back then, but even I was turned off by how uncomfortable it was to play and how much it hurt the eyes.