The Porkchop Express

Can't a man not control his bitch with violence?
Ya'll a brutalizing me!

No one knows what entitilitus is or what entitilitus does, but entitilitus kills.

Bob's laugh trying to say that line always gets me.

I ain't got flyin' shoes.

NOOOOOO!! I was on the 18th hole!

I'm sure he felt up Kelly in at least a few of those 'time outs'.

By 'some of us' you mean Charlie Sheen.

Reminds me a bit of Doohan's story in Trekkies.

For the love of God, keep Joe Estevez away from him.

Just about every TNG episode dealing with kids on the Enterprise just revealed why it's a bad idea to have kids on a spaceship in deep space encountering hostile and godlike alien creatures. I wonder what happened to Roddneberry in the 70's as the idea of putting kids on a ship was an idea he refused to let happen for

I miss 80's cheese like that.

Into the Dalek and Mummy on the Orient Express were 'classic' Who, and I loved them. Flatline and Time Heist were fun. The rest were muddled to awful. Kill the Moon made me want to crack my skull open. Listen was decent, but I hate making companions more important than the Doctor. Clara especially considering her

Capaldi is a great Doctor. The scripts are what's been dull.

They've gone too far into their 'characters' by this point. I do enjoy the specials where they travel across a nation or continent, though.

I would love to be in the Writer's Room when the create one of those sketches. I can only imagine a giant chalk board like the ones used for football and basketball play making being necessary to the process.

They might be Dr. Spock's back-up band.

You should read up on it's inventor Leon Theremin if you want interesting.

I get you. Just because there are books on the books shelf, that doesn't mean that you collect books. I'm just too lazy to bag and board stuff to sell on EBay anymore. Plus, I usually just get enough to pay for the process of getting rid of them. Anything really good and worth money, I keep for myself to reread.

I don't believe that the exteriors are the same.

How the hell did Jimmy Kimmel become so famous on a network owned by Disney of all things?