
a question from someone who has never really been involved in a big corporate negotiation before:

I think the game implies he has Jewish ancestry. He reads Hebrew at one point.

they do return into enemy hands if you don't do anything. i remember because it always vaguely annoyed me I couldn't completely wipe the map of enemies.

i mean:
a) there's an unmistakeable veneer of misogyny
b) he's trying to assert dominance in an uncertain power dynamic
c) he's actually right: they have no evidence to back up their theory, it's not likely they're ever going to find any, gloria is too close to the case emotionally, and there are better things the

I hope he does it, and I hope that it that it absolutely ruins his reputation.

i don't see why it's my job to ignore the person calling me rather than his job to stop?

I'm not sure what the law is wherever the pair in question are, but I know here that the legal standard for harassment (harassment here being the standard you have to meet to get a restraining order) is doing anything likely to cause a reasonable person distress at least twice over a period of twelve months. Generally

if jon stewart and his protégées gave us any communicable lesson about political comedy delivered in a talk show format, it was that it's vitally important to nail the issues first, and to let the comedy come second.

you can see it even in the few frames in the first page above. keeping the dick and the ass in frame helps a lot.

I'm kind of annoyed with this line of argument because you've simultaneously got a bunch of really basic things wrong and also seem to have come around to agreeing with me.

literally zero elements from this show have been brought over from the comics up to this point. dude doesn't even have the same power set as the comic book david haller. I'm on much better ground taking the work on its own logic, thanks

to be honest, i kinda don't buy the "the parasite is an ancient mutant" explanation the show is offering at the moment. something about the way that David's dad's face was scribbled out makes me think that it's associated with some childhood trauma/his parentage

some nuance: i'm of the school of thought that tends to think that a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 (after 4 presidential terms worth of relative safety) would probably just serve to undermine Mister "I'm going to keep America safe". it'd just seem like his incompetence put the country at risk.

when you say "stuff like this", do you mean his speech or sessions' lying?

there is a VERY solid chance that he will. his voter base are seemingly completely resistant to conversion. he's gonna retain his 42 percent voter share or whatever right through til 2020.

remember how just a few hours ago some commentators were saying trump's performance during his first address to congress was an important pivot for the current administration - with some saying that he did so well that they suddenly thought it was plausible he could win two terms?

that shift isn't anywhere near as simple as you're making it out to be, though. i, for one, certainly won't stop reading the New York Times in favour of a basically unintelligible live streamed press conference. and being on Twitter necessarily exposes me to thousands of different reactions to any given Trump tweet or

SPOILERS (not really, just fan theories)

jake gyllenhaal would be my personal pick for moon knight

i had the same voice transmission problem with doom - i think it's a digital download thing. it's a shame, because it really kills the buzz (the main facility controller guy who helps you is played by the same guy who voices optimous prime, and it's perfect)