
Peter McRobbie?

Not where you want to be?

Give my regards to Bill Pontiac.

Sit down, man.

XRT is your sort of cool, left-leaning cousin.


If this happened at a circus, you might be Tom Waits.

I remember Black's delivery of "pompous ass" to this day.

What about Fred's slacks?

That's only if the drunken commentary is on.

It is that kind of party.

Thank you Ignatiy, for referencing that particular scene from Twixt which is the hardest I'd laughed at any movie in a long time.

*cut to Radioactive Man and Fall Out Boy fighting aliens on the moon*

Oh. I like that place.

I read the inaugural Studio 60 entry earlier in the week and demand a fraction of a percentage of credit.

The what?


Don't they know slapstick is dead?

Afterwards, you can go to the Rock N Roll McDonald's.